1、discover of fullerene in meteorites and meteorite impact structure, the existences of fullerenes in event strata and its origins have come to the front of scientists.───富勒烯在陨石和撞击构造中的发现,人们更加关注事件地层中富勒烯存在的可能性以及它们的可能来源。
2、the features of impact structure small volume long life-time strong on-and-off ability and simple operation and maintain.───本产品结构紧凑、积小、命长、合开断能力强、作维护简便。
3、The drum type pumping unit with the new reverse mechanism has the advantages of impact structure, light weight and extended gear reducer life.───采用这种机构设计出的滚筒机具有结构紧凑、重量轻及减速器寿命长等优点。
4、I has the features of impact structure small volume long life-time strong on-and-off ability and simple operation and maintain.───本产品结构紧凑、体积小、寿命长、关合开断能力强、Cao作维护简便。
impact structure(英语使用场景)
1、The design of the RA108 ensures that all key areas comply with the FIA safety regulations and crash test requirements for the impact structures, such as the nose, monocoque and rear impact structure.
2、Since the discover of fullerene in meteorites and meteorite impact structure, the existences of fullerenes in event strata and its origins have come to the front of scientists.
impact structure(意思翻译)
impact structure(相似词语短语)
2、asteroid impact───小行星撞击
3、impact drill───冲击式钻机,冲击钻
4、impact wrestling───冲击式摔跤
6、impact book───影响书
7、profound impact───深远影响
8、visual impact───视觉冲击,视觉震撼;视觉效果
9、economic impact───[经]经济影响
impact structure(双语使用场景)
1、discover of fullerene in meteorites and meteorite impact structure, the existences of fullerenes in event strata and its origins have come to the front of scientists.───富勒烯在陨石和撞击构造中的发现,人们更加关注事件地层中富勒烯存在的可能性以及它们的可能来源。
2、the features of impact structure small volume long life-time strong on-and-off ability and simple operation and maintain.───本产品结构紧凑、积小、命长、合开断能力强、作维护简便。
3、The drum type pumping unit with the new reverse mechanism has the advantages of impact structure, light weight and extended gear reducer life.───采用这种机构设计出的滚筒机具有结构紧凑、重量轻及减速器寿命长等优点。
4、I has the features of impact structure small volume long life-time strong on-and-off ability and simple operation and maintain.───本产品结构紧凑、体积小、寿命长、关合开断能力强、Cao作维护简便。
impact structure(英语使用场景)
1、The design of the RA108 ensures that all key areas comply with the FIA safety regulations and crash test requirements for the impact structures, such as the nose, monocoque and rear impact structure.
2、Since the discover of fullerene in meteorites and meteorite impact structure, the existences of fullerenes in event strata and its origins have come to the front of scientists.