1、Witnesses said that French peacekeepers blew down Mr Krajisnik's door before dawn on Monday and led him away barefoot in pyjamas.───目击者说法国维和士兵周一破门而入,将仍穿着睡衣的克拉伊什尼科赤足抓走。
2、He said he tried heroin shortly after he turned 15, while high on Ecstasy and cocaine. It blew him away.───乔纳森说.十五岁的他磕YaoTouWan和KeKaYin而后尝试了HaiLuoYin让他难以自拔。
3、With a smile I had to really dig for, I blew him a kiss, turned and walked away.───我拼命地挤出了一丝微笑,给他一个飞吻,转身走开了。
4、He was saying even though you knew you were popular, being in this gigantic convention, your own convention, with thousands of people, blew him away.───他说即时你们知道你们很受欢迎,在这个巨大的中心内,你们自己的中心,成千上万的人还是给他留下了深刻的印象。
blew him away(意思翻译)
blew him away(相似词语短语)
2、blew over───平息;被淡忘;消散;停止
3、blew out───吹灭
5、wind blew───刮风
6、blew away───吹走;驱散;留下深刻印象
7、blew off───v.放出;吹掉
8、blew through───准备发动时输送蒸汽入汽缸;吹过;匆忙离开
9、him him───他,他
blew him away(双语使用场景)
1、Witnesses said that French peacekeepers blew down Mr Krajisnik's door before dawn on Monday and led him away barefoot in pyjamas.───目击者说法国维和士兵周一破门而入,将仍穿着睡衣的克拉伊什尼科赤足抓走。
2、He said he tried heroin shortly after he turned 15, while high on Ecstasy and cocaine. It blew him away.───乔纳森说.十五岁的他磕YaoTouWan和KeKaYin而后尝试了HaiLuoYin让他难以自拔。
3、With a smile I had to really dig for, I blew him a kiss, turned and walked away.───我拼命地挤出了一丝微笑,给他一个飞吻,转身走开了。
4、He was saying even though you knew you were popular, being in this gigantic convention, your own convention, with thousands of people, blew him away.───他说即时你们知道你们很受欢迎,在这个巨大的中心内,你们自己的中心,成千上万的人还是给他留下了深刻的印象。
blew him away(英语使用场景)
1、The handsome one blew him away.