1、It makes user obtain UC - PM in price less than hardware cost (even free of charge), manufacturer takes back hardware cost through payment of royalty by user buying documentation.───它使版权资料能以一种崭新的商业模式来发行:用户以低于硬件成本的价格得到UC - PM(甚至免费),厂家通过用户购买资料的版权费来收回硬件成本。
2、But his understanding is that Microsoft agrees not to claim any patent rights, and consequently not charge any royalty for the code.───然而他的理解却是微软并不会声明任何专利权,因此也不会向使用代码的人索取任何费用。
royalty charge(意思翻译)
royalty charge(相似词语短语)
1、royalty soaps───皇室肥皂剧
2、royalty gaming───版税游戏
3、royalty family───皇室家族
4、royalty payments───特许使用金(royaltypayment的复数)
5、royalty rate───使用费率;版税率,[税收]专利费税率;提成率
7、royalty fee───使用费
8、royalty income───特权收益;版税收入;特权收益,版税收入
9、royalty free───免版税;无版权费的
royalty charge(双语使用场景)
1、It makes user obtain UC - PM in price less than hardware cost (even free of charge), manufacturer takes back hardware cost through payment of royalty by user buying documentation.───它使版权资料能以一种崭新的商业模式来发行:用户以低于硬件成本的价格得到UC - PM(甚至免费),厂家通过用户购买资料的版权费来收回硬件成本。
2、But his understanding is that Microsoft agrees not to claim any patent rights, and consequently not charge any royalty for the code.───然而他的理解却是微软并不会声明任何专利权,因此也不会向使用代码的人索取任何费用。