1、Development and Research of Dalian City Digital River Information Management System───大连市数字河道信息管理XiTong的开发研究
2、Key Information Technology of Water Environment for Digital River Basin───数字流域中的水环境信息化关键技术
3、Digital hydrological model is an advanced digital river basin model, whose successful application will be of great importance to the flood-forecast in Zhexi reservoir.───数字水文模型是一种先进的数字流域模型,它在柘溪水库的成功应用,将为柘溪水库的洪水预报发挥重大作用。
4、The construction of digital river basin is up-to-date trend and technology in the management of water resources.───数字流域是我国流域管理的发展方向,是流域现代化管理的重要技术手段。
5、the research and analysis of data in the database, unified modeling language (UML) is used to analyze and design the digital river information management system.───数据库中的数据研究和分析,利用统一建模语言(uml)分析和设计数字河道信息管理XiTong。
6、Key technologies of digital river surveying───数字化江河测量关键技术
7、You aim at some astonishing peak or a swerve of the river, then examine the screen on the back of your digital camera. A rogue, blurring tree has dived across like a goalkeeper to block your shot.───你把镜头对准令人赞叹的山峰,或者蜿蜒曲折的河流,按下快门后你去看数码相机的显示屏幕——一棵淘气的树像牧羊人那样站在那里遮挡了你的镜头。
8、Digital River Basin and its Application in Integrated Management of River Basin───数字流域及其在流域综合管理中的应用
9、Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the fundamental and technical platform of hydrology research in building digital river basin.───基于数字高程模型 (Digital Elevation Model D E M)构建的数字流域是水文研究的基础设施,也是水文研究的技术平台。
digital river(意思翻译)
digital river(相似词语短语)
1、altos digital───高数字
2、digital age───数字时代;数字化时代
3、assurance digital───数字保证
4、trafficker digital───数字人口贩子
6、digital format───数位格式;数字形式
8、digital images───[医]数字图象
9、slate digital───石板数字
digital river(双语使用场景)
1、Development and Research of Dalian City Digital River Information Management System───大连市数字河道信息管理XiTong的开发研究
2、Key Information Technology of Water Environment for Digital River Basin───数字流域中的水环境信息化关键技术
3、Digital hydrological model is an advanced digital river basin model, whose successful application will be of great importance to the flood-forecast in Zhexi reservoir.───数字水文模型是一种先进的数字流域模型,它在柘溪水库的成功应用,将为柘溪水库的洪水预报发挥重大作用。
4、The construction of digital river basin is up-to-date trend and technology in the management of water resources.───数字流域是我国流域管理的发展方向,是流域现代化管理的重要技术手段。
5、the research and analysis of data in the database, unified modeling language (UML) is used to analyze and design the digital river information management system.───数据库中的数据研究和分析,利用统一建模语言(uml)分析和设计数字河道信息管理XiTong。
6、Key technologies of digital river surveying───数字化江河测量关键技术
7、You aim at some astonishing peak or a swerve of the river, then examine the screen on the back of your digital camera. A rogue, blurring tree has dived across like a goalkeeper to block your shot.───你把镜头对准令人赞叹的山峰,或者蜿蜒曲折的河流,按下快门后你去看数码相机的显示屏幕——一棵淘气的树像牧羊人那样站在那里遮挡了你的镜头。
8、Digital River Basin and its Application in Integrated Management of River Basin───数字流域及其在流域综合管理中的应用
9、Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the fundamental and technical platform of hydrology research in building digital river basin.───基于数字高程模型 (Digital Elevation Model D E M)构建的数字流域是水文研究的基础设施,也是水文研究的技术平台。