1、Neither tidal forces nor unusual animal behavior have been useful for predicting earthquakes.───不论潮汐力或是异常的动物行为对DiZhenYuCe都没有帮助。
2、Technological development can help us to be more accurate in predicting earthquakes to avoid casualties.───技术的发展可以帮助我们更准确地预测地震,以避免伤亡。
3、Much of the work on predicting earthquakes is based on the theory of dilatancy .───大多数的DiZhenYuCe工作都是基于膨胀理论。
4、Despite decades of study, there are still no reliable systems for predicting earthquakes.───虽然有了几十年的研究,但是仍没有可靠的预测地震的XiTong。
5、We must do a good job of predicting earthquakes so that we can disperse the population in time.───我们要做好地震预报工作,以便及时疏散人口。
6、Currently, there is no real way of predicting earthquakes.───现在还没有切实可行的方法预报地震。
7、The next hurdle is to find a way of predicting earthquakes, so they don't catch people by surprise.───下一个障碍是找到一种预测地震的方法,这样它们就不会让人们措手不及。
8、Currently, the most modern systems for predicting earthquakes find them only a short time before the event.───目前,最现代化的XiTong为DiZhenYuCe发现它们只需要很短一段时间。
predicting earthquakes(英语使用场景)
1、Scientists discounted his method of predicting earthquakes.
2、Much of the work on predicting earthquakes is based on the theory of dilatancy .
3、The present paper discusses the theoretical problems concerning the possibility of predicting earthquakes in the light of the abnormal variation of directions of earth current.
4、a reliable method of predicting earthquakes.
5、We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes.
6、China and the United States lavished funds on similar research. Predicting earthquakes, however, remains a hit-or-miss proposition, often a matter of luck.
predicting earthquakes(意思翻译)
predicting earthquakes(相似词语短语)
1、predicting the presidency───预测总统任期
3、predicting 2020 race───预测2020年的比赛
4、predicting weather───天气预报
5、predicting in excel───excel中的预测
6、predicting precipitate───预测沉淀
7、predicting election───预测选举
9、induced earthquakes───诱发地震
predicting earthquakes(双语使用场景)
1、Neither tidal forces nor unusual animal behavior have been useful for predicting earthquakes.───不论潮汐力或是异常的动物行为对DiZhenYuCe都没有帮助。
2、Technological development can help us to be more accurate in predicting earthquakes to avoid casualties.───技术的发展可以帮助我们更准确地预测地震,以避免伤亡。
3、Much of the work on predicting earthquakes is based on the theory of dilatancy .───大多数的DiZhenYuCe工作都是基于膨胀理论。
4、Despite decades of study, there are still no reliable systems for predicting earthquakes.───虽然有了几十年的研究,但是仍没有可靠的预测地震的XiTong。
5、We must do a good job of predicting earthquakes so that we can disperse the population in time.───我们要做好地震预报工作,以便及时疏散人口。
6、Currently, there is no real way of predicting earthquakes.───现在还没有切实可行的方法预报地震。
7、The next hurdle is to find a way of predicting earthquakes, so they don't catch people by surprise.───下一个障碍是找到一种预测地震的方法,这样它们就不会让人们措手不及。
8、Currently, the most modern systems for predicting earthquakes find them only a short time before the event.───目前,最现代化的XiTong为DiZhenYuCe发现它们只需要很短一段时间。
predicting earthquakes(英语使用场景)
1、Scientists discounted his method of predicting earthquakes.
2、Much of the work on predicting earthquakes is based on the theory of dilatancy .
3、The present paper discusses the theoretical problems concerning the possibility of predicting earthquakes in the light of the abnormal variation of directions of earth current.
4、a reliable method of predicting earthquakes.
5、We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes.
6、China and the United States lavished funds on similar research. Predicting earthquakes, however, remains a hit-or-miss proposition, often a matter of luck.