1、Alcha is the largest scaled enterprise engaging aluminium-processing in East China and the largest manufacturer producing hydrophilic coated aluminium fin stock in the world.───是华东地区规模最大的铝加工企业,也是全球最大的亲水涂层铝箔制造商。
2、Application of Artificial Neural Network to Property Prediction and Process Parameter Optimization for Hydrophilic Fin Stock───应用神经网络进行亲水涂层的性能预报与工艺参数优化
3、Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Fin stock. Part 2: mechanical properties.───铝及铝合金。散热片坯料。第2部分:机械性能。
4、Fin-stock Aluminum Foil for Air-conditioner Manufactured from Hot-rolled Stock or Cast-rolled Stock───铸轧法和热轧法生产空调铝箔的工艺和产品对比
5、The technology established in this study will be used to manufacture and adjust the character of the Pre-coated fin stock.───建立产制高耐蚀涂膜铝散热片技术,可针对产品需求作涂膜特性的调整。
6、Homogenization technology of cast-rolled strip to produce fin-stock aluminium foil is introduced.───介绍了铸轧坯料生产空调器用铝箔的新工艺。
7、volatilizing punching oil developed with isoalkane possesses excellent volatility, lubricity and anti-corrosion ability, which can apply to metalworking of aluminum fin-stock and copper tube.───以异构烷烃为基础油研制的挥发性冲压油具有优异的挥发性能、润滑性能和防腐蚀性能,可用于铝翅片和铜管的加工。
fin stock(意思翻译)
fin stock(相似词语短语)
1、fin fun───fin乐趣
3、air fin───空气翅片
4、elbuen fin───肘部不错。
5、fin fin asmr───鳍鳍哮喘
6、undulating fin───波浪鳍
7、tail fin───n.尾鳍;鱼的尾鳍;直尾翼,垂直尾翼
8、fin wolford───芬沃尔福德
9、fin argus───好阿古斯
fin stock(双语使用场景)
1、Alcha is the largest scaled enterprise engaging aluminium-processing in East China and the largest manufacturer producing hydrophilic coated aluminium fin stock in the world.───是华东地区规模最大的铝加工企业,也是全球最大的亲水涂层铝箔制造商。
2、Application of Artificial Neural Network to Property Prediction and Process Parameter Optimization for Hydrophilic Fin Stock───应用神经网络进行亲水涂层的性能预报与工艺参数优化
3、Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Fin stock. Part 2: mechanical properties.───铝及铝合金。散热片坯料。第2部分:机械性能。
4、Fin-stock Aluminum Foil for Air-conditioner Manufactured from Hot-rolled Stock or Cast-rolled Stock───铸轧法和热轧法生产空调铝箔的工艺和产品对比
5、The technology established in this study will be used to manufacture and adjust the character of the Pre-coated fin stock.───建立产制高耐蚀涂膜铝散热片技术,可针对产品需求作涂膜特性的调整。
6、Homogenization technology of cast-rolled strip to produce fin-stock aluminium foil is introduced.───介绍了铸轧坯料生产空调器用铝箔的新工艺。
7、volatilizing punching oil developed with isoalkane possesses excellent volatility, lubricity and anti-corrosion ability, which can apply to metalworking of aluminum fin-stock and copper tube.───以异构烷烃为基础油研制的挥发性冲压油具有优异的挥发性能、润滑性能和防腐蚀性能,可用于铝翅片和铜管的加工。