1、This is a degree known to have unusually strong power to thrust something out into prominence.───它将会带来无比寻常的强大力量,将事情猛推至显著地位。
2、Secondly design the strong power and weak power about this numerical control system in detail.───其次,对数控XiTong的强电、弱电进行了详细的设计。
3、This is a new type of frigate with strong power of military attack.───这是艘新型的护卫舰,具有很强的军事打击力。
4、Dragon tattoo done bigger and more able to show the details of its fine, there will be a strong power to shock.───龙的纹身做的越大越能展现它精细的细节部分,也会有强大的震撼力。
5、Many industry insiders said the planning for security into the strong power of development.───不少业内人士表示,此规划为安防注入了强劲的发展动力。
6、strong power of the DM rests with the extensive method and technology to apply the large number of the problems.───挖掘的强大力量之一在于它具有广泛的方法和技术,以应用于大量的问题集。
7、The Korean people have a tradition of seeking to ally with a strong power to protect themselves from other and rival powers.───ChaoXian人有一种寻求同某强国结盟以保护自身免受其他国家和敌对强国侵害的传统。
8、It is precisely because of this strong power chords, and the expression of a strong revolutionary will of the revolutionaries.───正因为这种强有力的动力性和弦进行,表达了革命者坚强的革命意志。
9、China has long been called a paper tiger and it still may be, as it is unproven against a strong power.───在还没有与强权对抗试验之前,中国长期以来被称作纸老虎,也许现在仍算是。
strong power(英语使用场景)
1、The vivid forms of rhyme of three words of monosyllable adjectives of Changzhou dialect, which have a relatively strong power of expression, are a kind of changing form of monosyllable adjectives.
2、Solid state relay (SSR) is ideal equipment that using weak power to control strong power, which has extensive application in SCM measuring and controlling system.
3、But other than that, North Korea has proved to be a major albatross, and there is another strong power in the region, Japan, which will do everything it can to check China's military ascendency.
4、International Hotel Management Sangem Co. , Ltd. is engaging to build the top-ranking national brand of hotel management basing on the strong power of Sangem Group.
5、Tradition, then, becomes a strong power base from which to employ a defensive strategy to resist change.
6、This method preserves the strong power of bigram to distinguish class, while reduces the extent of data sparseness.
7、The company first caught during the holidays, Ying Feng, and during the summer dry season strong power situation, the delay unit maintenance, racing against time additional charge.
8、As the results prove, the circuit has a simple structure, a high linearity of the input and the output, and strong power for controlling surge voltage.
9、Founded in 1970 centuries-old history and strong power in technology.
strong power(意思翻译)
strong power(相似词语短语)
3、strong feelings───强烈的感情;强烈的感受性
4、strong view───n.商业智能软件
5、strong world───强大的世界
6、strong willed───坚强的意志;强烈意愿;战胜自我
7、strong beat───强拍
8、strong matte───强哑光
9、strong accent───很重的口音
strong power(双语使用场景)
1、This is a degree known to have unusually strong power to thrust something out into prominence.───它将会带来无比寻常的强大力量,将事情猛推至显著地位。
2、Secondly design the strong power and weak power about this numerical control system in detail.───其次,对数控XiTong的强电、弱电进行了详细的设计。
3、This is a new type of frigate with strong power of military attack.───这是艘新型的护卫舰,具有很强的军事打击力。
4、Dragon tattoo done bigger and more able to show the details of its fine, there will be a strong power to shock.───龙的纹身做的越大越能展现它精细的细节部分,也会有强大的震撼力。
5、Many industry insiders said the planning for security into the strong power of development.───不少业内人士表示,此规划为安防注入了强劲的发展动力。
6、strong power of the DM rests with the extensive method and technology to apply the large number of the problems.───挖掘的强大力量之一在于它具有广泛的方法和技术,以应用于大量的问题集。
7、The Korean people have a tradition of seeking to ally with a strong power to protect themselves from other and rival powers.───ChaoXian人有一种寻求同某强国结盟以保护自身免受其他国家和敌对强国侵害的传统。
8、It is precisely because of this strong power chords, and the expression of a strong revolutionary will of the revolutionaries.───正因为这种强有力的动力性和弦进行,表达了革命者坚强的革命意志。
9、China has long been called a paper tiger and it still may be, as it is unproven against a strong power.───在还没有与强权对抗试验之前,中国长期以来被称作纸老虎,也许现在仍算是。
strong power(英语使用场景)
1、The vivid forms of rhyme of three words of monosyllable adjectives of Changzhou dialect, which have a relatively strong power of expression, are a kind of changing form of monosyllable adjectives.
2、Solid state relay (SSR) is ideal equipment that using weak power to control strong power, which has extensive application in SCM measuring and controlling system.
3、But other than that, North Korea has proved to be a major albatross, and there is another strong power in the region, Japan, which will do everything it can to check China's military ascendency.
4、International Hotel Management Sangem Co. , Ltd. is engaging to build the top-ranking national brand of hotel management basing on the strong power of Sangem Group.
5、Tradition, then, becomes a strong power base from which to employ a defensive strategy to resist change.
6、This method preserves the strong power of bigram to distinguish class, while reduces the extent of data sparseness.
7、The company first caught during the holidays, Ying Feng, and during the summer dry season strong power situation, the delay unit maintenance, racing against time additional charge.
8、As the results prove, the circuit has a simple structure, a high linearity of the input and the output, and strong power for controlling surge voltage.
9、Founded in 1970 centuries-old history and strong power in technology.