1、With the quickening of urbanization and city modernization, the traditional urban management mode, especially urban land management is facing severe challenges.───随着城市化步伐的加快,传统的城市管理模式面临着严峻挑战,城市土地管理模式则首当其冲。
2、Title: World city mode choice: Choice of rail public transportation───城市交通方式的选择:轨道交通
3、traditional urban management mode has very great disadvantages, become China city raise one's own bottleneck of competitive power already.───传统城市管理模式存在很大的弊病,已经成为中国城市提高自身竞争能力的瓶颈。
4、Typical main city mode was still plain-valley-city in northern Shaanxi's Loess Hill and Gully Area.───川谷型城镇仍然是陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区的主要类型。
5、3 Levels of City Mode plus Highway Mode───3种城市和高速模式
6、This mode of craft production favored the growth of self-governing and ideologically egalitarian craft guilds everywhere in the Middle Eastern city.───这种工艺生产模式促进了中东城市自治和意识形态平等的工艺行业的发展。
city mode(意思翻译)
city mode(相似词语短语)
2、tapsit mode───键盘
4、hold mode───[计]保持状态;保持[冻结]状态
5、cramming mode───填鸭式
6、rec mode───录像模式
7、rest mode───休息模式
8、headlamp mode───前照灯模式
9、unready mode───未读模式
city mode(双语使用场景)
1、With the quickening of urbanization and city modernization, the traditional urban management mode, especially urban land management is facing severe challenges.───随着城市化步伐的加快,传统的城市管理模式面临着严峻挑战,城市土地管理模式则首当其冲。
2、Title: World city mode choice: Choice of rail public transportation───城市交通方式的选择:轨道交通
3、traditional urban management mode has very great disadvantages, become China city raise one's own bottleneck of competitive power already.───传统城市管理模式存在很大的弊病,已经成为中国城市提高自身竞争能力的瓶颈。
4、Typical main city mode was still plain-valley-city in northern Shaanxi's Loess Hill and Gully Area.───川谷型城镇仍然是陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区的主要类型。
5、3 Levels of City Mode plus Highway Mode───3种城市和高速模式
6、This mode of craft production favored the growth of self-governing and ideologically egalitarian craft guilds everywhere in the Middle Eastern city.───这种工艺生产模式促进了中东城市自治和意识形态平等的工艺行业的发展。