1、I don't know what it is rushes up in me at the sight of this dark, swift moving current, but a great exultation lifts me up, affirms the deep wish that is in me never to leave this land.───我不明白看到这条黑色的湍急水流时会激起何种情感,不过一种欣喜若狂的心情总是使我不能自持,坚定了我永远不离开这片土地的眷恋之情。
2、He couldn't leave a baby shut inside a box, alone in the dark.───他不能让个婴儿被关在箱子里,独自呆在黑漆漆的夜里。
3、Turn your reading light off when taking off or landing at night. Your eyes will be more adjusted to the dark if you have to leave the plane in a hurry.───如果你不得不匆忙地离开飞机,在晚上起飞或着陆时关掉你的阅读灯,这会使你的眼睛更适应黑暗。
leave in the dark(意思翻译)
leave in the dark(相似词语短语)
1、deep in the dark───在黑暗深处
2、lurk in the dark───潜伏在黑暗中
3、in the dark───在黑暗中; 不为人知; 茫然; 茫;在黑暗中;不知道;秘密地
4、leave in───同意加倍;让…留下
5、maneuvers in the dark───在黑暗中Cao纵
6、dancer in the dark───[电影]黑暗中的舞者;黑暗中的舞者(电影名)
7、catch in the dark───在黑暗中捕捉
8、whisperer in the dark───黑暗中的窃窃私语者
9、glows in the dark───夜光
leave in the dark(双语使用场景)
1、I don't know what it is rushes up in me at the sight of this dark, swift moving current, but a great exultation lifts me up, affirms the deep wish that is in me never to leave this land.───我不明白看到这条黑色的湍急水流时会激起何种情感,不过一种欣喜若狂的心情总是使我不能自持,坚定了我永远不离开这片土地的眷恋之情。
2、He couldn't leave a baby shut inside a box, alone in the dark.───他不能让个婴儿被关在箱子里,独自呆在黑漆漆的夜里。
3、Turn your reading light off when taking off or landing at night. Your eyes will be more adjusted to the dark if you have to leave the plane in a hurry.───如果你不得不匆忙地离开飞机,在晚上起飞或着陆时关掉你的阅读灯,这会使你的眼睛更适应黑暗。