1、This has worked alright for her, but as she sends more and more submissions out, tracking the state of each poem becomes more difficult.───最初,她能够顺利地使用这些数据,但是随着投稿越来越多,跟踪每篇诗稿的状态越来越难了。
2、Firms tracking the money companies withhold for tax purposes warn that job growth seems to have stopped.───追踪企业税项拨备的公司警告称,这种就业增长似乎已经停止。
3、Our radar began tracking the jets.───我们的雷达开始追踪那些喷气式飞机。
4、We continued tracking the plane on our radar.───我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。
5、The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates.───这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。
6、Heliotropism A form of phototropism in which flowers move to point toward the sun, tracking it as it moves across the sky.───趋光性的一种类型,植物的花在一天内朝向太阳,并随着日光照射的方向而转移方位。
7、The Canadian Border Services Agency, which had been tracking the vessel, took custody of the passengers as they disembarked.───加拿大边境服务局一直追踪这艘船只,在乘客登陆后立即将他们拘留。
8、Tracking the team velocity during the release will provide a clearer picture of how much of this work will be achieved in the end.───在发行期间,跟踪团队的开发进度将能够使您更清晰地了解最终将要实现的工作量。
9、Be it for chance or as an exercise in caution, the uses of location services for tracking other people are just beginning to become clear.───不管偶尔使用或是谨慎使用,使用定位服务追踪别人的作用开始变得清晰起来。
1、evergreen tracking───常绿跟踪
2、tracking time───[医]跟踪时间
3、ais tracking───ais跟踪
4、holland tracking───荷兰跟踪
5、tracking polls───跟踪投票
6、aftershift tracking───后换档跟踪
7、tracking eta───跟踪预计到达时间
8、cargo tracking───货物跟踪
9、postal tracking───邮政追踪
1、This has worked alright for her, but as she sends more and more submissions out, tracking the state of each poem becomes more difficult.───最初,她能够顺利地使用这些数据,但是随着投稿越来越多,跟踪每篇诗稿的状态越来越难了。
2、Firms tracking the money companies withhold for tax purposes warn that job growth seems to have stopped.───追踪企业税项拨备的公司警告称,这种就业增长似乎已经停止。
3、Our radar began tracking the jets.───我们的雷达开始追踪那些喷气式飞机。
4、We continued tracking the plane on our radar.───我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。
5、The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates.───这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。
6、Heliotropism A form of phototropism in which flowers move to point toward the sun, tracking it as it moves across the sky.───趋光性的一种类型,植物的花在一天内朝向太阳,并随着日光照射的方向而转移方位。
7、The Canadian Border Services Agency, which had been tracking the vessel, took custody of the passengers as they disembarked.───加拿大边境服务局一直追踪这艘船只,在乘客登陆后立即将他们拘留。
8、Tracking the team velocity during the release will provide a clearer picture of how much of this work will be achieved in the end.───在发行期间,跟踪团队的开发进度将能够使您更清晰地了解最终将要实现的工作量。
9、Be it for chance or as an exercise in caution, the uses of location services for tracking other people are just beginning to become clear.───不管偶尔使用或是谨慎使用,使用定位服务追踪别人的作用开始变得清晰起来。