1、We need partnerships with Asian nations to meet the challenges of our growing economy, preventing proliferation and addressing climate change.───为了迎接经济增长、防止武器扩散以及应对气候变化方面的挑战,我们需要同亚洲国家的伙伴关系。
2、This has enabled the proliferation of software throughout the economy.───这已经使软件在整个经济中增殖。
3、But we recognize that we share a responsibility for meeting the challenges of our time, from combating climate change to curbing nuclear proliferation and rebalancing the global economy.───但双方都认识到我们有共同的责任迎接我们这个时代面临的各项挑战,从应对气候变化到制止核扩散和重新平衡全球经济等。
proliferation of economy(意思翻译)
proliferation of economy(相似词语短语)
1、cell proliferation───[细胞]细胞增殖,细胞增生
2、softening economy───经济疲软
3、endowment economy───禀赋经济
4、stall economy───失速经济
6、economy drive───节约运动;经济驱动器
7、economy of scale───规模经济(因经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约)
8、broader economy───广义经济
9、slowing economy───增长放缓的经济;低迷的经济
proliferation of economy(双语使用场景)
1、We need partnerships with Asian nations to meet the challenges of our growing economy, preventing proliferation and addressing climate change.───为了迎接经济增长、防止武器扩散以及应对气候变化方面的挑战,我们需要同亚洲国家的伙伴关系。
2、This has enabled the proliferation of software throughout the economy.───这已经使软件在整个经济中增殖。
3、But we recognize that we share a responsibility for meeting the challenges of our time, from combating climate change to curbing nuclear proliferation and rebalancing the global economy.───但双方都认识到我们有共同的责任迎接我们这个时代面临的各项挑战,从应对气候变化到制止核扩散和重新平衡全球经济等。