1、The next round of talks is a ray of light of hope to the ordinary Zimbabwean, he said.───他说:“下一轮谈判对于津巴布韦平民百姓是一线希望的光芒。”
2、DEXA scans measure the calcium content in the bones - this cannot be evaluated in an ordinary X-ray.───DiSaiMiSong扫描测量中钙含量的骨头-这可以不进行评估,在一个普通的X射线。
3、They can also radiate far infrared ray (FIR) energy of varying frequencies, which is something ordinary people can not do.───它们还可以辐射远红外线不同频率(区)的能源,这点是一般人做不到的。
ordinary ray(英语使用场景)
1、Due to double refraction effect, the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray have different reflections.
ordinary ray(意思翻译)
ordinary ray(相似词语短语)
1、ordinary income───普通收入;普通所得,通常收入
2、ordinary soap───普通肥皂
3、ordinary mail───n.[邮]平信;n.平信
4、the ordinary───普通的
6、ordinary share───[金融]普通股;普通股(股票)
7、ordinary person───普通人员; 常人; 凡人
8、cousin ray ray───雷·雷表弟
9、ray───vi.放射光线;浮现;n. (Ray)雷(人名);n.射线;光线;鳐鱼;vt.放射;显出
ordinary ray(双语使用场景)
1、The next round of talks is a ray of light of hope to the ordinary Zimbabwean, he said.───他说:“下一轮谈判对于津巴布韦平民百姓是一线希望的光芒。”
2、DEXA scans measure the calcium content in the bones - this cannot be evaluated in an ordinary X-ray.───DiSaiMiSong扫描测量中钙含量的骨头-这可以不进行评估,在一个普通的X射线。
3、They can also radiate far infrared ray (FIR) energy of varying frequencies, which is something ordinary people can not do.───它们还可以辐射远红外线不同频率(区)的能源,这点是一般人做不到的。
ordinary ray(英语使用场景)
1、Due to double refraction effect, the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray have different reflections.