1、Hall is unlikely to run the House; it will farm out the operation to people rather more experienced at this kind of thing.───政厅倒不可能经营赌场,它会将该业务转租给在这方面更有经验的人。
2、The enclosure is low in cost and applicable in family farm operation.───且围栏成本较低,适用于家庭农牧场管理。
3、Comprehensive process to economic performance evaluation of wind-power farm operation───风电场运行经济性综合评价方法
4、The hourly average daily generation curve is used to express the wind farm operation constraint and the load changes over time are reflected through the scaling factor.───该模型中通过比例因子来反映负荷随时间的变化,采用日平均发电曲线表示风电场的运行约束。
farm operation(意思翻译)
farm operation(相似词语短语)
1、heart operation───心脏手术
2、strabismus operation───[医]斜视手术
3、discontinued operation───[经] 停(中)止经营;停止经营
4、farm to farm───农场到农场
5、operation manual───Cao作指南;Cao作手册;[计] Cao作指南,Cao作手册; [化] Cao作手册
6、operation management───运营管理;经营管理;Cao作管理
7、transplant operation───器官移植术
8、commercial operation───[经] 商业经营
farm operation(双语使用场景)
1、Hall is unlikely to run the House; it will farm out the operation to people rather more experienced at this kind of thing.───政厅倒不可能经营赌场,它会将该业务转租给在这方面更有经验的人。
2、The enclosure is low in cost and applicable in family farm operation.───且围栏成本较低,适用于家庭农牧场管理。
3、Comprehensive process to economic performance evaluation of wind-power farm operation───风电场运行经济性综合评价方法
4、The hourly average daily generation curve is used to express the wind farm operation constraint and the load changes over time are reflected through the scaling factor.───该模型中通过比例因子来反映负荷随时间的变化,采用日平均发电曲线表示风电场的运行约束。