1、Anna: I'm not upset. Why would I be upset? No one asked me if I wanted a new mother. No one even asked me if I liked her.───安娜:我不难过。我为什么要难过呢?没有人问过我是否想要一个新母亲。甚至没有人问过我是否喜欢她。
2、traditional free sample is the promotional candy bar handout or the diapers mailed to a new mother.───传统的免费例子包括派送糖果,或给那些婴儿母亲赠送尿布。
3、There were no tears, there were no words exchanged, just a secret "I love you" that I created one sunny afternoon, when I was a new mother.───目前还没有眼泪,没有人的话交换,只是一个秘密的“我爱你”,我创造一个晴朗的下午,当我是一个新的母亲。
4、A stray kitten has found a new mother in a golden retriever , who began producing milk for the little feline after hearing its cries.───有只流浪小猫咪找到了一个黄金猎犬新妈妈。这只黄金猎犬在听到小猫的哭声后,开始分泌奶水喂饱小猫。
5、Calling was a new mother, frantic after spotting an odd mark on her baby daughter.───来电者初为人母,发现自己女儿身上有奇怪印记后,她惊慌失措。
6、To help these children prepare themselves for a new mother.───是来帮助孩子们准备迎接新妈妈。
7、Why is it that something that should be totally natural to a new mother, so many times can put her into a state of panic?───为什么一些对于初为人母者来说再自然不过的事情会让她们陷入恐慌呢?
8、Why is it that something should be totally natural to a new mother , so many times can put her into a state of panic .───有些事对于一个新妈妈来说无比的自然,以致于很多次都将她至于恐慌的境地,这是为什么呢?
a new mother(英语使用场景)
1、Postpartum depression, which is diagnosed if a new mother develops a major depressive episode within one month after delivery.
a new mother(意思翻译)
a new mother(相似词语短语)
2、buy a mother───买个妈妈
3、new mother───初产妇
4、a new hat───新帽子
5、a big mother───大妈妈
6、New New───新的
7、a mother───母亲
8、a new───adv.重新;再
9、a mother hen───母鸡
a new mother(双语使用场景)
1、Anna: I'm not upset. Why would I be upset? No one asked me if I wanted a new mother. No one even asked me if I liked her.───安娜:我不难过。我为什么要难过呢?没有人问过我是否想要一个新母亲。甚至没有人问过我是否喜欢她。
2、traditional free sample is the promotional candy bar handout or the diapers mailed to a new mother.───传统的免费例子包括派送糖果,或给那些婴儿母亲赠送尿布。
3、There were no tears, there were no words exchanged, just a secret "I love you" that I created one sunny afternoon, when I was a new mother.───目前还没有眼泪,没有人的话交换,只是一个秘密的“我爱你”,我创造一个晴朗的下午,当我是一个新的母亲。
4、A stray kitten has found a new mother in a golden retriever , who began producing milk for the little feline after hearing its cries.───有只流浪小猫咪找到了一个黄金猎犬新妈妈。这只黄金猎犬在听到小猫的哭声后,开始分泌奶水喂饱小猫。
5、Calling was a new mother, frantic after spotting an odd mark on her baby daughter.───来电者初为人母,发现自己女儿身上有奇怪印记后,她惊慌失措。
6、To help these children prepare themselves for a new mother.───是来帮助孩子们准备迎接新妈妈。
7、Why is it that something that should be totally natural to a new mother, so many times can put her into a state of panic?───为什么一些对于初为人母者来说再自然不过的事情会让她们陷入恐慌呢?
8、Why is it that something should be totally natural to a new mother , so many times can put her into a state of panic .───有些事对于一个新妈妈来说无比的自然,以致于很多次都将她至于恐慌的境地,这是为什么呢?
a new mother(英语使用场景)
1、Postpartum depression, which is diagnosed if a new mother develops a major depressive episode within one month after delivery.