1、Electronic Arts launched a free Facebook version of 'The Sims, ' a top-selling traditional game, a few weeks ago.───几周之前,艺电在Facebook推出了免费版的传统畅销游戏“模拟人生” (The Sims)。
2、All of this is being done with social media technologies that Facebook and its competitors set free.───所有这些都是通过社交媒体技术实现的,而 Facebook 和它的竞争对手释放了这些技术。
3、To explore Facebook, you must create a free account on the site.───想浏览Facebook,你得在这个站点上创建一个免费的账号。
4、He has gotten his users to accept a certain loss of privacy in exchange for free use of Facebook.───他让脸谱网免费用户在转变时接受了一定的个人损失。
free facebook(意思翻译)
free facebook(相似词语短语)
1、facebook page───脸谱网专页
2、specialized facebook───专门的facebook
3、unanimated facebook───无动力的facebook
4、chloroformed facebook───氯仿脸书
5、off facebook───离开facebook
6、haddam facebook───有facebook吗
7、messages facebook───facebook消息
8、indicator facebook───指示器facebook
9、aft facebook───aft facebook
free facebook(双语使用场景)
1、Electronic Arts launched a free Facebook version of 'The Sims, ' a top-selling traditional game, a few weeks ago.───几周之前,艺电在Facebook推出了免费版的传统畅销游戏“模拟人生” (The Sims)。
2、All of this is being done with social media technologies that Facebook and its competitors set free.───所有这些都是通过社交媒体技术实现的,而 Facebook 和它的竞争对手释放了这些技术。
3、To explore Facebook, you must create a free account on the site.───想浏览Facebook,你得在这个站点上创建一个免费的账号。
4、He has gotten his users to accept a certain loss of privacy in exchange for free use of Facebook.───他让脸谱网免费用户在转变时接受了一定的个人损失。