1、This consultative centre specializes in the collecting, processing, propagation, storing, indexing and consultation of trading information.───本咨询中心专业从事商业信息的收集、整理、传播、储存、检索和咨询。
2、Jinhua is the centre of commerce, finance and culture, as well as the collecting and distributing centre for all kinds of important goods and materials.───金华是浙江中部商业、金融、文化的三大中心和重要的物资集散地。得天独厚的交通环境隐藏着无限的商机。
3、of collecting money from these threats was so huge, they had set up a 1-800-DONT-SUE-ME-style call centre.───是他们要威吓的人太多,实在忙不过来吧,所以便不得不设立了这样一家装模作样的电话中心,那感觉就是供你做做“1-800-别起诉我”的样子。
collecting centre(英语使用场景)
1、City is the collecting centre of advanced productive forces, urbanization is the main carrier of social civilization and advancement.
collecting centre(意思翻译)
collecting centre(相似词语短语)
1、stamp collecting───n.集邮
2、barbican centre───n.巴比肯艺术中心
3、centre───v.将……放在中央;以……为中心;使(争论)集中于;(活动)集中于;传中;打中锋;n.中心;(市镇的)中心区,人口集中的地区;活动中心;居领先地位的中心;聚集点;有……中心的;中间党派;(球赛的)中锋;传中(球赛中将球从场边扔向场中);巧克力夹心;转轴;(车床等用于支撑的)顶针;源头;最重要的地方;v. (Centre)(印、澳、肯尼亚)森特尔(人名)
4、rts centre───rts中心
5、collecting tin───收集罐
6、collecting data───[经] 收集资料,收集数据
7、collecting things───收集东西
9、collecting stamps───集邮
collecting centre(双语使用场景)
1、This consultative centre specializes in the collecting, processing, propagation, storing, indexing and consultation of trading information.───本咨询中心专业从事商业信息的收集、整理、传播、储存、检索和咨询。
2、Jinhua is the centre of commerce, finance and culture, as well as the collecting and distributing centre for all kinds of important goods and materials.───金华是浙江中部商业、金融、文化的三大中心和重要的物资集散地。得天独厚的交通环境隐藏着无限的商机。
3、of collecting money from these threats was so huge, they had set up a 1-800-DONT-SUE-ME-style call centre.───是他们要威吓的人太多,实在忙不过来吧,所以便不得不设立了这样一家装模作样的电话中心,那感觉就是供你做做“1-800-别起诉我”的样子。
collecting centre(英语使用场景)
1、City is the collecting centre of advanced productive forces, urbanization is the main carrier of social civilization and advancement.