1、waste an hour talking round the real problem───围绕实质问题兜圈子谈论浪费一个小时。
2、Others think Mr Karzai is just talking from the heart, and remains enraged by the blame heaped on him during last summer's election which he genuinely believes he won outright in the first round.───其它人则认为卡尔扎伊先生的言论是发自内心的,他对去年夏天大选堆积的对他的指责仍然很愤怒,他真诚地相信他在第一回合中胜出了。
3、Unfortunately, as so often when people start talking about new paradigms, a collision with the unexpected was lurking round the next corner.───不幸的是,正当人们开始经常谈论新范式时,无法预料的事情已潜伏在不远处。
4、Waste an hour talking round the real problem.───围绕实质问题兜圈子谈论浪费一个小时。
5、the officers gathered in a ring , eating and talking , round denisovs wine - case.───几个军官在杰尼索夫的路菜筒旁边围成一圈,一面用冷菜下酒,一面聊天。
6、We're talking round and round the question. It is really a waste of time.───我们一直围着这个问题绕来绕去,真的是在浪费时间。
talking round(英语使用场景)
1、In the early days I remember we could spend an hour talking round one position.
2、Get people talking round a subject.
3、We must have spent at least five minutes talking round the subject.
4、They had spent half the night talking round the subject.
talking round(意思翻译)
talking round(相似词语短语)
2、talking data───正在说话的数据
3、no talking───不要说话;不许讲话
5、talking for───为…说话
6、talking to───责备;与…谈话
7、talking robot───[计]会说话的机器人;有声机器人;会说话的机器人(游戏名)
8、talking at───影射;对…不停地说
9、began talking───他开始说话
talking round(双语使用场景)
1、waste an hour talking round the real problem───围绕实质问题兜圈子谈论浪费一个小时。
2、Others think Mr Karzai is just talking from the heart, and remains enraged by the blame heaped on him during last summer's election which he genuinely believes he won outright in the first round.───其它人则认为卡尔扎伊先生的言论是发自内心的,他对去年夏天大选堆积的对他的指责仍然很愤怒,他真诚地相信他在第一回合中胜出了。
3、Unfortunately, as so often when people start talking about new paradigms, a collision with the unexpected was lurking round the next corner.───不幸的是,正当人们开始经常谈论新范式时,无法预料的事情已潜伏在不远处。
4、Waste an hour talking round the real problem.───围绕实质问题兜圈子谈论浪费一个小时。
5、the officers gathered in a ring , eating and talking , round denisovs wine - case.───几个军官在杰尼索夫的路菜筒旁边围成一圈,一面用冷菜下酒,一面聊天。
6、We're talking round and round the question. It is really a waste of time.───我们一直围着这个问题绕来绕去,真的是在浪费时间。
talking round(英语使用场景)
1、In the early days I remember we could spend an hour talking round one position.
2、Get people talking round a subject.
3、We must have spent at least five minutes talking round the subject.
4、They had spent half the night talking round the subject.