1、We let out a small cry of triumph and Shared our joy with a group of young Japanese men dressed in purple shirts and ties who adopted a variety of Ninja-style poses for photographs.───我们欢呼起来,和一群年轻的日本人分享喜悦。这些日本人穿着紫色衬衫,带着领带,摆出各种日本武士的姿态拍照。
2、Serious may present the purple group.───严重者可出现紫组。
3、The purple group is the clock!───紫色的那一组是钟表声!
4、graph, the green bars represent the questions that could be answered with menus (for the menu group). The purple bars show the error rate on questions that both groups had to type.───图表中,绿条代表的是以菜单方式回答的答案的错误率(菜单组),紫条显示的是两组以键入方式回答的答案的错误率。
5、the "purple" group and the "green" group.───“紫”队和“绿”队。
purple group(意思翻译)
purple group(相似词语短语)
2、purple dream───紫色的梦(歌曲名)
3、its purple───它是紫色的
4、purple line───紫色线条
5、purple brown───氧化紫棕;紫褐色,紫棕色
6、crustation purple───结壳紫
7、purple purse───紫色钱包
8、purple red───紫红色
9、purple dress───紫色连衣裙
purple group(双语使用场景)
1、We let out a small cry of triumph and Shared our joy with a group of young Japanese men dressed in purple shirts and ties who adopted a variety of Ninja-style poses for photographs.───我们欢呼起来,和一群年轻的日本人分享喜悦。这些日本人穿着紫色衬衫,带着领带,摆出各种日本武士的姿态拍照。
2、Serious may present the purple group.───严重者可出现紫组。
3、The purple group is the clock!───紫色的那一组是钟表声!
4、graph, the green bars represent the questions that could be answered with menus (for the menu group). The purple bars show the error rate on questions that both groups had to type.───图表中,绿条代表的是以菜单方式回答的答案的错误率(菜单组),紫条显示的是两组以键入方式回答的答案的错误率。
5、the "purple" group and the "green" group.───“紫”队和“绿”队。