1、An additional lead term may be of benefit as the RFC performance depends on the frequency of the disturbance.───另外一个可能会导致长期受益的符合RFC的性能依赖于频率的干扰。
2、They consider the plan to be of dubious benefit to most families.───他们认为这项计划对大多数家庭不一定有好处。
3、The potential prize is great: for the growth of the middle class in the rising powers of the East to be of benefit around the world.───而潜在的奖赏也是巨大的:在不断兴起的东方逐渐成长着的中产阶级将会成为全世界的恩惠。
4、Such a system would be of benefit to patent owners and others wanting access to priority documents .───这一制度将有利于专利权人以及希望查询优先权文件的其他人。
5、China could also study whether other languages might be of benefit to enough pupils as well.───中国还可以进一步研究是否可以通过学习其它语言让学生同样受益。
6、3 reading at the end of the argument that the author underlined, would be of benefit to us.───3阅读时在作者强调的论点底下划线,对我们会有所裨益。
7、While the automatic responses of the amygdala can still be of benefit to us even in modern society, these responses can lead us to overreact, or react inappropriately.───在杏仁核的无意识的反应于现代社会对我们仍有益处的时候,这些反应会导致我们反应过度,或者反应得不适当。
8、new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.───新规章将使所有有关人员受益。
9、A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.───阿谁举办了这些职位的权力是一个非常尊重学生,这将有利于他在他的职业生涯之后。
be of benefit(英语使用场景)
1、The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.
2、I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.
3、Bilberry may be of benefit for those working intensely with their eyes, eg airline pilots, students, computer terminal operators and night drivers; or when doing fine detailed work.
4、A teacher Would have a good understanding of the ways in which Work Experience can be of benefit to the curriculum.
5、The Guidelines will be of benefit to those delivering the modules in colleges, schools and other centres.
6、These results may be of benefit to the understanding of the mechanisms of liver growth and fetal liver hemopoiesis shift.
7、The further study of Wengan Biota will be of benefit to the understanding of the genesis and evolution of early life.
8、An analysis on the naming type of places of Yangquan dialect and on the cultural information embodied in the toponym will be of benefit to the construction and study of the local culture.
9、If appropriate helium leak test plan is selected, it will be of benefit to improving detectability and effectively secure titanium vessel safety and reliability.
be of benefit(意思翻译)
be of benefit(相似词语短语)
1、to benefit───受益
2、explanations of benefit───利益解释
3、benefit performance───义演
4、garcinia benefit───加西亚效益
5、benefit payments───保费支付
6、fringe benefit───额外福利;小额利益;n.额外福利
8、get benefit───获得利益
9、marginal benefit───边际收益;边际效益
be of benefit(双语使用场景)
1、An additional lead term may be of benefit as the RFC performance depends on the frequency of the disturbance.───另外一个可能会导致长期受益的符合RFC的性能依赖于频率的干扰。
2、They consider the plan to be of dubious benefit to most families.───他们认为这项计划对大多数家庭不一定有好处。
3、The potential prize is great: for the growth of the middle class in the rising powers of the East to be of benefit around the world.───而潜在的奖赏也是巨大的:在不断兴起的东方逐渐成长着的中产阶级将会成为全世界的恩惠。
4、Such a system would be of benefit to patent owners and others wanting access to priority documents .───这一制度将有利于专利权人以及希望查询优先权文件的其他人。
5、China could also study whether other languages might be of benefit to enough pupils as well.───中国还可以进一步研究是否可以通过学习其它语言让学生同样受益。
6、3 reading at the end of the argument that the author underlined, would be of benefit to us.───3阅读时在作者强调的论点底下划线,对我们会有所裨益。
7、While the automatic responses of the amygdala can still be of benefit to us even in modern society, these responses can lead us to overreact, or react inappropriately.───在杏仁核的无意识的反应于现代社会对我们仍有益处的时候,这些反应会导致我们反应过度,或者反应得不适当。
8、new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.───新规章将使所有有关人员受益。
9、A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.───阿谁举办了这些职位的权力是一个非常尊重学生,这将有利于他在他的职业生涯之后。
be of benefit(英语使用场景)
1、The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.
2、I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.
3、Bilberry may be of benefit for those working intensely with their eyes, eg airline pilots, students, computer terminal operators and night drivers; or when doing fine detailed work.
4、A teacher Would have a good understanding of the ways in which Work Experience can be of benefit to the curriculum.
5、The Guidelines will be of benefit to those delivering the modules in colleges, schools and other centres.
6、These results may be of benefit to the understanding of the mechanisms of liver growth and fetal liver hemopoiesis shift.
7、The further study of Wengan Biota will be of benefit to the understanding of the genesis and evolution of early life.
8、An analysis on the naming type of places of Yangquan dialect and on the cultural information embodied in the toponym will be of benefit to the construction and study of the local culture.
9、If appropriate helium leak test plan is selected, it will be of benefit to improving detectability and effectively secure titanium vessel safety and reliability.