1、Major differences in metabolism between urban system and natural system are compared and studied.───对比研究了城市XiTong与自然生态XiTong物质代谢的主要差别。
2、So what you've been doing in agriculture is you start out with something that's a reasonably natural system.───这样一个发展农业的过程,是从一个原本相当自然的体系起步,最终去驯服这个自然体系。
3、This is the first time this natural system has been exploited for drug delivery.───这是第一次利用自然分类XiTong开发药物输送技术。
4、So now we're working to try to restore the natural system.───所以我们正努力设法恢复这里的自然生态XiTong。
5、We’ve shown that a natural system could be exploited to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier.───我们用自然分类XiTong可发出了跨过血脑屏障的药物技术。
6、Industrial ecology studies the relationship between industrial system and natural system, and it is a discipline studying sustainability.───产业生态学以探讨产业XiTong与自然XiTong相互关系为研究对象,是一门研究可持续能力的科学。
7、It was a natural system of replenishment and cleansing .───那是自然形成的一个补充土壤和清除盐分的体系。
8、It turns out that the natural system conforms to the self-organization theories, which also applies to human system.───事实证明,自然XiTong的运动遵循自组织规律,人类XiTong的运动也遵循自组织规律。
natural system(英语使用场景)
1、From the view of static state, its main structural factors are social system, individual system and natural system.
2、Usually disasters happen within the interaction between humankind and natural system.
3、Irreparable problem is the destruction of the natural system.
natural system(意思翻译)
natural system(相似词语短语)
1、natural person───[法]自然人(区别于法人)
2、natural endowment───先天禀赋;天然条件;天然条件; 禀赋
3、natural amber───天然琥珀
4、cicatrizante natural───自然愈合
5、natural process───自然过程;天然过程;天然过程,自然过程
7、natural mellow───自然醇厚
8、natural nine───自然九
9、natural causes───自然因素
natural system(双语使用场景)
1、Major differences in metabolism between urban system and natural system are compared and studied.───对比研究了城市XiTong与自然生态XiTong物质代谢的主要差别。
2、So what you've been doing in agriculture is you start out with something that's a reasonably natural system.───这样一个发展农业的过程,是从一个原本相当自然的体系起步,最终去驯服这个自然体系。
3、This is the first time this natural system has been exploited for drug delivery.───这是第一次利用自然分类XiTong开发药物输送技术。
4、So now we're working to try to restore the natural system.───所以我们正努力设法恢复这里的自然生态XiTong。
5、We’ve shown that a natural system could be exploited to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier.───我们用自然分类XiTong可发出了跨过血脑屏障的药物技术。
6、Industrial ecology studies the relationship between industrial system and natural system, and it is a discipline studying sustainability.───产业生态学以探讨产业XiTong与自然XiTong相互关系为研究对象,是一门研究可持续能力的科学。
7、It was a natural system of replenishment and cleansing .───那是自然形成的一个补充土壤和清除盐分的体系。
8、It turns out that the natural system conforms to the self-organization theories, which also applies to human system.───事实证明,自然XiTong的运动遵循自组织规律,人类XiTong的运动也遵循自组织规律。
natural system(英语使用场景)
1、From the view of static state, its main structural factors are social system, individual system and natural system.
2、Usually disasters happen within the interaction between humankind and natural system.
3、Irreparable problem is the destruction of the natural system.