1、The vehicle running test shows that this damping power shock absorber can greatly restrain flexural resonance of vehicle power assembly.───通过装车试验证明,该动力吸振器对汽车动力总成的弯曲共振有较好的抑制作用。
2、testing the intrinsic characteristic of power assemblys flexural vibration of a light passenger coach with modal cognition technology, a damping power shock absorber is designed.───模态识别技术对某轻型客车动力总成弯曲振动的固有特性进行了测试,设计了一阻尼式动力吸振器。
flexural shock(意思翻译)
flexural shock(相似词语短语)
1、flexural dermatitis───弯曲性皮炎
2、flexural modulus───挠[弯]曲模量;[力]弯曲模量;[力]挠曲模量
3、cardiogenic shock───心源性休克;[内科]心原性休克
4、antiphyic shock───反噬性休克
5、shock at───震惊
6、anencephalic shock───无脑休克
8、flexural bending───塑性弯曲
9、septic shock───感染性休克;败血性休克;脓毒性休克
flexural shock(双语使用场景)
1、The vehicle running test shows that this damping power shock absorber can greatly restrain flexural resonance of vehicle power assembly.───通过装车试验证明,该动力吸振器对汽车动力总成的弯曲共振有较好的抑制作用。
2、testing the intrinsic characteristic of power assemblys flexural vibration of a light passenger coach with modal cognition technology, a damping power shock absorber is designed.───模态识别技术对某轻型客车动力总成弯曲振动的固有特性进行了测试,设计了一阻尼式动力吸振器。