5、in the interest of───adv.为了;为了...的利益;adv.为了,为了…的利益
6、places of interest───名胜古迹
7、the case───[法]本案;箱子(电影名)
8、inference of interest───利益推断
9、in the case of───至于…, 就…来说;至于,在…的情况下
the case of interest(双语使用场景)
1、With the Systems Explorer, you can look through a remote machine's file system and attach any files of interest to the Case Manager, after which they are transferred to the local system.───通过XiTong资源管理器,您可以查看远程计算机的文件XiTong,并将所感兴趣的任何文件附加到案例管理器,以便将其传输到本地XiTong。
2、The learned trial judge had an interest in the disposition of the case, which if disclosed, would have given rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias.───渊博的法官和案件的处理结果有利益关系,如果公之于众的话,人们有理由担心她心存偏见。
3、In this case, the resources of interest are technicians, trucks, and jobs that need to be scheduled.───在本例中,所感兴趣的资源是技术人员、车辆以及需要进行调度的工作。
the case of interest(意思翻译)
the case of interest(相似词语短语)
1、case of───案例
2、on the case of───关于
3、conflicts of interest───[会计]利益冲突;[经] 利害(益)冲突
4、case of───案件
5、in the interest of───adv.为了;为了...的利益;adv.为了,为了…的利益
6、places of interest───名胜古迹
7、the case───[法]本案;箱子(电影名)
8、inference of interest───利益推断
9、in the case of───至于…, 就…来说;至于,在…的情况下
the case of interest(双语使用场景)
1、With the Systems Explorer, you can look through a remote machine's file system and attach any files of interest to the Case Manager, after which they are transferred to the local system.───通过XiTong资源管理器,您可以查看远程计算机的文件XiTong,并将所感兴趣的任何文件附加到案例管理器,以便将其传输到本地XiTong。
2、The learned trial judge had an interest in the disposition of the case, which if disclosed, would have given rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias.───渊博的法官和案件的处理结果有利益关系,如果公之于众的话,人们有理由担心她心存偏见。
3、In this case, the resources of interest are technicians, trucks, and jobs that need to be scheduled.───在本例中,所感兴趣的资源是技术人员、车辆以及需要进行调度的工作。