1、Divide your cash balance by the average monthly burn rate and figure out how many months of cash you have left.───现金余额除以每月烧钱量,计算出你剩余的现金还够几个月的。
2、That said I think it is a very individual matter, you need to figure out for yourself what the perfect balance is.───这也就是说我认为生活平衡时一个非常个人化的事情,你需要去找出你自己最完美的平衡。
3、Until then, Adelman may need some time to figure out his playing rotations to balance his needs on both ends of the floor.───到这个时候,阿德尔曼可能需要时间来制定出他的比赛轮转方案来平衡赛场两端的需要。
balance figure(意思翻译)
balance figure(相似词语短语)
1、indelicate balance───不雅的平衡
3、your balance───你的余额
4、hidden figure───隐藏图形
6、fordo figure───福尔多图形
7、public figure───n.社会名人; 人士;n.公众人物
8、compensating balance───[金融]补偿性余额;补偿性存款额
9、figure ios───图ios
balance figure(双语使用场景)
1、Divide your cash balance by the average monthly burn rate and figure out how many months of cash you have left.───现金余额除以每月烧钱量,计算出你剩余的现金还够几个月的。
2、That said I think it is a very individual matter, you need to figure out for yourself what the perfect balance is.───这也就是说我认为生活平衡时一个非常个人化的事情,你需要去找出你自己最完美的平衡。
3、Until then, Adelman may need some time to figure out his playing rotations to balance his needs on both ends of the floor.───到这个时候,阿德尔曼可能需要时间来制定出他的比赛轮转方案来平衡赛场两端的需要。