1、Joy has not been there long before Tao asks for her hand in marriage, Maoist style.───乔伊在那里呆了没多久,冯涛就以那个时代经典的方式向她求婚了。
2、Forest dwellers lament being caught between Maoist bandits, exploitative miners and thuggish security men.───森林的YuanZhuMin在尼共强盗,疯狂掠夺的矿工,残忍的保安之间叫苦不迭。
3、The party has long hailed this action as the beginning of the end of the disastrous Maoist agricultural system.───党长期以来把此举视为灾难性的MaoZeDong主义农业制度终结的开始。
4、The former rebels have reason to be jubilant as officials say the Maoist party has won more than half of the constituencies declared so far.───这个先前的FanZhengFu组织有理由欢庆,因为官方宣布说,MaoPai政党在全国一半以上已经宣布投票结果的选区获得了胜利。
5、Binayak sen, an Indian activist who was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of aiding Maoist fighters, was freed on bail by India's Supreme Court.───判处终身监禁印度的活动家比纳亚克·森(Binayak Sen)由印度最高法院保释,他曾被指控协助MaoPai战士。
6、It was a jolt to most foreign observers and the Nepali elite when Maoist insurgents won the most seats in an election a year ago.───一年前MaoPai的反叛分子获得大多数的席次,令大多数的外国观察家和尼泊尔的精英分子都觉得震惊。
7、A train carrying some 1, 200 passengers was held for six hours in the Indian state of West Bengal by a militia supported by Maoist Naxalite rebels.───在印度的西孟加拉邦,一列载运约1,200名乘客的火车遭Maoist Naxalite叛军支持的民兵JieChi达六小时。
8、The army will have nothing of it, so former Maoist fighters are still holed up in United Nations-supervised cantonments.───军方没有按照协议执行,所以MaoPai的士兵仍隐藏在LianHeGuo监管的兵营内。
9、His departure comes as part of a deal with the Maoist party, which wants its own leader at the head of government.───他的离职与同MaoPai尼泊尔GongChan党签署的协议有部分干系。MaoPaiGongChan党希望自己的LingDaoRen在政府掌权。
2、mao tse tung───MaoZeDong
3、la mao───拉毛
4、mao jacket───毛式服装(指人民装)
5、films about maori───关于毛利人的电影
6、comrade mao───毛同志
7、banishing mao───驱逐MaoZeDong
8、Maoris───n.毛里人 (Maori)
9、maori people───毛利人
10、patte mao───彭定茂
1、Joy has not been there long before Tao asks for her hand in marriage, Maoist style.───乔伊在那里呆了没多久,冯涛就以那个时代经典的方式向她求婚了。
2、Forest dwellers lament being caught between Maoist bandits, exploitative miners and thuggish security men.───森林的YuanZhuMin在尼共强盗,疯狂掠夺的矿工,残忍的保安之间叫苦不迭。
3、The party has long hailed this action as the beginning of the end of the disastrous Maoist agricultural system.───党长期以来把此举视为灾难性的MaoZeDong主义农业制度终结的开始。
4、The former rebels have reason to be jubilant as officials say the Maoist party has won more than half of the constituencies declared so far.───这个先前的FanZhengFu组织有理由欢庆,因为官方宣布说,MaoPai政党在全国一半以上已经宣布投票结果的选区获得了胜利。
5、Binayak sen, an Indian activist who was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of aiding Maoist fighters, was freed on bail by India's Supreme Court.───判处终身监禁印度的活动家比纳亚克·森(Binayak Sen)由印度最高法院保释,他曾被指控协助MaoPai战士。
6、It was a jolt to most foreign observers and the Nepali elite when Maoist insurgents won the most seats in an election a year ago.───一年前MaoPai的反叛分子获得大多数的席次,令大多数的外国观察家和尼泊尔的精英分子都觉得震惊。
7、A train carrying some 1, 200 passengers was held for six hours in the Indian state of West Bengal by a militia supported by Maoist Naxalite rebels.───在印度的西孟加拉邦,一列载运约1,200名乘客的火车遭Maoist Naxalite叛军支持的民兵JieChi达六小时。
8、The army will have nothing of it, so former Maoist fighters are still holed up in United Nations-supervised cantonments.───军方没有按照协议执行,所以MaoPai的士兵仍隐藏在LianHeGuo监管的兵营内。
9、His departure comes as part of a deal with the Maoist party, which wants its own leader at the head of government.───他的离职与同MaoPai尼泊尔GongChan党签署的协议有部分干系。MaoPaiGongChan党希望自己的LingDaoRen在政府掌权。