1、party trick to control the camera's flash, 5x zoom and with the phone -- and to have the phone geotag those pictures -- but switching apps on the phone disconnected the two every time.───用手机控制照相机的闪光灯、5倍变焦镜头和快门简直让人啼笑皆非,还要让手机给这些照片贴上地理标签,并且在手机上切换程序每次都会切断两者之间的连接。
2、TTL BaLanced fill (TTL BL) mode is the most complicated flash mode on the Nikon Speedlights. This mode is (so far) not found on any third party flash units.───TTL均衡补充 (T T L B L)模式是尼康高速闪光灯最复杂的模式,该模式(目前)还没有其它闪光灯使用。
3、I could just as easily have walked along 24th or 25th Street, eyes alert to the flash of light on a plastic cup, ears alert to a party, and just wandered in anywhere I saw an opening.───我想到24街,25街都很容易,躲避刺眼的闪光灯,嘈杂的人群,在我能看到的开幕的地方蹭酒。
flash party(意思翻译)
flash party(相似词语短语)
1、flash───n. (Flash)(美)弗拉什(人名);vt.使闪光;用光发出(信号);(快速地)出示;快速发送(信息);n.闪光;(信号灯)闪亮;(想法的)突现;闪光灯;手电筒;(军服上的)徽章;彩条;网站动画制作程序;(河流或水道的)急流;一瞬间;快讯;vi.使闪光;用光发出(信号);飞速运动;突然想到;闪现;突然显露(强烈情感);(非正式)暴LuYin部;adj.(非正式)豪华的;(非正式)爱显摆的;闪光的,火速的
2、flash pictures───闪光照片
3、adobe flash───动画制作; FLASH动画制作软件;动画制作;FLASH动画制作软件
4、flash on───立刻心领神会;顿悟;突然亮起来
5、cavesson flash───卡弗森闪光
6、flash another───闪现另一个
7、flash mobs───快闪族;快闪暴走族
8、flash sales───限时抢购
9、kilt flash───苏格兰短裙
flash party(双语使用场景)
1、party trick to control the camera's flash, 5x zoom and with the phone -- and to have the phone geotag those pictures -- but switching apps on the phone disconnected the two every time.───用手机控制照相机的闪光灯、5倍变焦镜头和快门简直让人啼笑皆非,还要让手机给这些照片贴上地理标签,并且在手机上切换程序每次都会切断两者之间的连接。
2、TTL BaLanced fill (TTL BL) mode is the most complicated flash mode on the Nikon Speedlights. This mode is (so far) not found on any third party flash units.───TTL均衡补充 (T T L B L)模式是尼康高速闪光灯最复杂的模式,该模式(目前)还没有其它闪光灯使用。
3、I could just as easily have walked along 24th or 25th Street, eyes alert to the flash of light on a plastic cup, ears alert to a party, and just wandered in anywhere I saw an opening.───我想到24街,25街都很容易,躲避刺眼的闪光灯,嘈杂的人群,在我能看到的开幕的地方蹭酒。