1、People could always remember something in some particular situations, e. g. a word of lyrics, a kind of smell, a piece of clothes or rain.───人总能在一些特定的环境下想起些什么,一句歌词,一种味道,一件衣服或是一线雨丝。
2、Saleswoman: Yes, what kind of smell do you like?───售货员:是的,您要哪种味道的?
3、He is so familiar to this kind of smell.───对于这种味道,他还是有一种亲切感的。
4、symbolistic architecture but a color, a kind of smell, even a piece of flower.───的建筑。它可以是一种颜色,一种味道,甚至,一种花。
5、Do you like this kind of smell?───你喜欢这种气味吗?
kind of smell(英语使用场景)
1、The smell is usually consists of monoterpenoids produced in Plant Secondary metabolism, and this kind of smell is considered to be Synthesized through two ways-Cytoplasm way and Cytoplast way.
kind of smell(意思翻译)
kind of smell(相似词语短语)
1、kind of nice───有点不错
2、Smell of Desire───欲望的味道
3、kind of c───有点像c
4、smell of───有…的气味;闻出…的味道;带有…气味; 带有某种令人不快的迹象
5、smell of roses───玫瑰的香味
7、of kind───差不多
8、one kind of───一种
9、sense of smell───[生理]嗅觉
kind of smell(双语使用场景)
1、People could always remember something in some particular situations, e. g. a word of lyrics, a kind of smell, a piece of clothes or rain.───人总能在一些特定的环境下想起些什么,一句歌词,一种味道,一件衣服或是一线雨丝。
2、Saleswoman: Yes, what kind of smell do you like?───售货员:是的,您要哪种味道的?
3、He is so familiar to this kind of smell.───对于这种味道,他还是有一种亲切感的。
4、symbolistic architecture but a color, a kind of smell, even a piece of flower.───的建筑。它可以是一种颜色,一种味道,甚至,一种花。
5、Do you like this kind of smell?───你喜欢这种气味吗?
kind of smell(英语使用场景)
1、The smell is usually consists of monoterpenoids produced in Plant Secondary metabolism, and this kind of smell is considered to be Synthesized through two ways-Cytoplasm way and Cytoplast way.