1、Poland has an estimated population of 38. 6 million. The main ethnic group is Polish (about 97%).───波兰估计有3千八百60万人口,主要人种为波兰人(大约97%)。
2、Russia has an estimated population of 143 million.───据估计俄罗斯约有1亿四千三百万人口。
3、Louisville is the largest city in the state of Kentucky with an estimated population of 722, 000.───路易斯维尔是肯塔基州的最大城市,人口大约为72万2千人。
4、The world's only freshwater porpoise is down to fewer than 1800 individuals, less than half the estimated population a decade ago.───这种世界唯一的淡水豚的数量已经锐减到1800头以下,现在的数量还不到十年前估计数量的一半。
5、Azerbaijan has an estimated population of 8 million.───阿塞拜疆大约有8百万人口。
6、Qatar has an estimated population of 863,051.───卡塔尔约有863,051人口。
7、Oman has an estimated population of 3 million.───阿曼大约有3百万人口。
8、Pakistan has an estimated population of 163 million.───巴基斯坦拥有大约163百万人口。
estimated population(英语使用场景)
1、A survey of black rhinos in the Matusadona park found only 15, compared to an estimated population of 150.
estimated population(意思翻译)
estimated population(相似词语短语)
1、world population───世界人口
2、sampled population───抽样总体
3、norway population───挪威人口
4、hungary population───匈牙利人口
5、aging population───老年人口;老化人口
8、estimated taxes───预计税款
9、netherlands population───荷兰人口
estimated population(双语使用场景)
1、Poland has an estimated population of 38. 6 million. The main ethnic group is Polish (about 97%).───波兰估计有3千八百60万人口,主要人种为波兰人(大约97%)。
2、Russia has an estimated population of 143 million.───据估计俄罗斯约有1亿四千三百万人口。
3、Louisville is the largest city in the state of Kentucky with an estimated population of 722, 000.───路易斯维尔是肯塔基州的最大城市,人口大约为72万2千人。
4、The world's only freshwater porpoise is down to fewer than 1800 individuals, less than half the estimated population a decade ago.───这种世界唯一的淡水豚的数量已经锐减到1800头以下,现在的数量还不到十年前估计数量的一半。
5、Azerbaijan has an estimated population of 8 million.───阿塞拜疆大约有8百万人口。
6、Qatar has an estimated population of 863,051.───卡塔尔约有863,051人口。
7、Oman has an estimated population of 3 million.───阿曼大约有3百万人口。
8、Pakistan has an estimated population of 163 million.───巴基斯坦拥有大约163百万人口。
estimated population(英语使用场景)
1、A survey of black rhinos in the Matusadona park found only 15, compared to an estimated population of 150.