1、It might require you to move beyond your comfort zone, but displaying drive and initiative can pay big dividends.───也许这需要你走出你的舒适空间,但是展现你的斗志和主动性会带来很多的收获。
2、Still, the state has continued to pay big consumption subsidies for fear of public unrest if it stopped.───尽管如此,印尼政府仍继续支付巨额石油消费补贴,因为政府担心一旦停止补贴,就会发生公众Sao乱事件。
3、5 to pay big sums at auctions for drilling rights.───在开采权拍卖中付巨资。
4、Westley's willing to pay big money to get his hands on the sign and will stop at nothing to ensure he wins the bid.───为了得到这个标志,维斯特利甘愿出个大价钱,不惜任何代价都要确保自己能在竞价中获胜。
5、Unlike other investment banks, which rewarded senior staff with large amounts of restricted stock, RBS continued to pay big cash bonuses.───与其它投行不同,苏格兰皇家银行继续向高管支付巨额现金奖金。而其它投行给高管们的奖励则是大量限制性股票。
6、That need not be a bad thing for book publishers, provided they do not simultaneously pay big advances and concede higher royalties.───只要出版商在预付巨额稿酬的同时不再就版税做出更大让步,对他们来说这不一定是件坏事。
7、Great to see all the studies and poses as well - they're gonna pay big dividends.───这是我看过最好的学习和姿势练习-他们将得到一笔分红。
8、Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.───任何报纸都愿出高价购买关于她婚姻的内情。
9、Before you pay big money for caviar, check with two New York City high school students.───大价钱购买鱼子酱之前,你应该找纽约市的两位高中生帮忙鉴定一下。
pay big(英语使用场景)
1、Venture capitalists therefore pay big bucks for large networks, no matter how shallow.
2、Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.
3、At marginal mines, small improvements could pay big dividends.
4、A small investment of time, energy and imagination in improving the environment of the dining hall could pay big dividends.
5、Fans pay big bucks to watch them, and a $ 65 hockey ticket comes with a license to boo.
6、An expanding body of data suggests that this modest investment can pay big dividends.
pay big(意思翻译)
pay big(相似词语短语)
1、pay no───不支付
2、bussing pay───巴士费
3、pay a big price───付出巨大代价
4、unequal pay───不平等报酬
5、pay packet───n.(附工资及工资单的)工资袋,工资,薪水;n.(附工资及工资单的)[劳经]工资袋(等于payenvelope);薪水
6、pay bills───工资单;还账
7、big big───大-大
8、big big big───大,大,大
9、pay───n.工资,薪水;付款;报答;vi.付款;偿还;vt.支付,付;偿还,补偿;给予;v.付款; 偿还; 盈利; 划算; 付代价;adj.收费的;需付费的;n.薪水
pay big(双语使用场景)
1、It might require you to move beyond your comfort zone, but displaying drive and initiative can pay big dividends.───也许这需要你走出你的舒适空间,但是展现你的斗志和主动性会带来很多的收获。
2、Still, the state has continued to pay big consumption subsidies for fear of public unrest if it stopped.───尽管如此,印尼政府仍继续支付巨额石油消费补贴,因为政府担心一旦停止补贴,就会发生公众Sao乱事件。
3、5 to pay big sums at auctions for drilling rights.───在开采权拍卖中付巨资。
4、Westley's willing to pay big money to get his hands on the sign and will stop at nothing to ensure he wins the bid.───为了得到这个标志,维斯特利甘愿出个大价钱,不惜任何代价都要确保自己能在竞价中获胜。
5、Unlike other investment banks, which rewarded senior staff with large amounts of restricted stock, RBS continued to pay big cash bonuses.───与其它投行不同,苏格兰皇家银行继续向高管支付巨额现金奖金。而其它投行给高管们的奖励则是大量限制性股票。
6、That need not be a bad thing for book publishers, provided they do not simultaneously pay big advances and concede higher royalties.───只要出版商在预付巨额稿酬的同时不再就版税做出更大让步,对他们来说这不一定是件坏事。
7、Great to see all the studies and poses as well - they're gonna pay big dividends.───这是我看过最好的学习和姿势练习-他们将得到一笔分红。
8、Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.───任何报纸都愿出高价购买关于她婚姻的内情。
9、Before you pay big money for caviar, check with two New York City high school students.───大价钱购买鱼子酱之前,你应该找纽约市的两位高中生帮忙鉴定一下。
pay big(英语使用场景)
1、Venture capitalists therefore pay big bucks for large networks, no matter how shallow.
2、Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.
3、At marginal mines, small improvements could pay big dividends.
4、A small investment of time, energy and imagination in improving the environment of the dining hall could pay big dividends.
5、Fans pay big bucks to watch them, and a $ 65 hockey ticket comes with a license to boo.
6、An expanding body of data suggests that this modest investment can pay big dividends.