1、This stops the rotation from being perfect linear or mechanical looking.───这会停止完全直线的旋转和机械的感觉。
2、The shaft is shorter in design the shaft can be gently adjusted (bent) to get the perfect rotation for you.───轴的设计是在较短的轴可轻轻调整(弯曲),以获得为您完美的旋转。
3、Rotation, jumping, she is the most able floor exercise with a perfect combination of music players.───旋转,跳跃,她是最能与自由体Cao的完美结合的音乐正确的比赛者。
4、Uranus isn't eccentric; its path is almost a perfect circle. Strangely though, Uranus' axis of rotation is almost parallel to the ecliptic plane. Uranus has 27 moons.───天王星是没有偏心,其路径几乎是一个完美的圆圈。很奇怪,旋转天王星的轴几乎平行于黄道面。天王星有27个卫星。
perfect rotation(意思翻译)
perfect rotation(相似词语短语)
2、job rotation───工作轮换方法; 岗位轮换
3、optical rotation───旋光度,旋光性,(光学的)偏振转;[光]旋光度;[光]旋光性;偏振转
4、rotation rules───轮换规则
5、rotation symmetry───旋转对称
6、rotation definition───旋转定义
7、rotation angle───[机]旋转角;旋转角度;回转角度
8、perfect───n.完成式;vt.使完美;使熟练;adj.完美的;最好的;精通的;n. (Perfect)(美、爱、英)珀费克特(人名)
9、rotation axis───旋转轴,转轴;[晶体]旋转轴
perfect rotation(双语使用场景)
1、This stops the rotation from being perfect linear or mechanical looking.───这会停止完全直线的旋转和机械的感觉。
2、The shaft is shorter in design the shaft can be gently adjusted (bent) to get the perfect rotation for you.───轴的设计是在较短的轴可轻轻调整(弯曲),以获得为您完美的旋转。
3、Rotation, jumping, she is the most able floor exercise with a perfect combination of music players.───旋转,跳跃,她是最能与自由体Cao的完美结合的音乐正确的比赛者。
4、Uranus isn't eccentric; its path is almost a perfect circle. Strangely though, Uranus' axis of rotation is almost parallel to the ecliptic plane. Uranus has 27 moons.───天王星是没有偏心,其路径几乎是一个完美的圆圈。很奇怪,旋转天王星的轴几乎平行于黄道面。天王星有27个卫星。