1、those two friends meet, a battle of wits ensues.───那两个朋友一旦相遇,一场智斗总是随之发生。
2、At this point you can also go up to the partners of the people who you fancy and challenge to a battle of wits or money.───在这个阶段你也能够径直走向你喜欢的人那挑起有关智慧和金钱的战斗。
3、To beat the stock market is a battle of wits. Your mind must be active, keen and alert.───打败市场是一个智力的战争,您的心态要积极,敏锐,警觉。
4、Indeed, the contest between Republicans and Democratic is really the battle of wits and courage between brainpowers behind the two camps.───其实共和党与MinZhuDang阵营的较量,实质就是其幕后智囊团的斗智斗勇。
5、The game was a long battle of wits.───这场游戏是长时间的斗智。
6、It's a battle of wits and courage.───这是一项智慧与勇气的较量。
7、A battle-of-wits between the two 'salespeople' develops, from which genuine attraction begins to emerge.───两名‘销售人员’随即展开了斗智斗勇,彼此之间也开始了真正的互相吸引。
8、He has worked with the beast battle of wits, have courage and fight savage cannibalism, and a savage probation for a good man. . .───他曾与野兽斗智,也曾与吃人肉的野人斗勇,并将一个野人感化为一个善良的男人。
battle of wits(意思翻译)
battle of wits(相似词语短语)
2、battle of saratoga───萨拉托加战役
3、university wits───大学派才子;大学才子派
4、battle of midway───中途岛战役(1942年6月3—5日日本与美国发生的一次海战)
5、a battle of───战争
6、battle of rose───玫瑰战役
7、battle of waterloo───滑铁卢战役
9、battle of gettysburg───葛底斯堡之战(1863);盖茨堡之役
battle of wits(双语使用场景)
1、those two friends meet, a battle of wits ensues.───那两个朋友一旦相遇,一场智斗总是随之发生。
2、At this point you can also go up to the partners of the people who you fancy and challenge to a battle of wits or money.───在这个阶段你也能够径直走向你喜欢的人那挑起有关智慧和金钱的战斗。
3、To beat the stock market is a battle of wits. Your mind must be active, keen and alert.───打败市场是一个智力的战争,您的心态要积极,敏锐,警觉。
4、Indeed, the contest between Republicans and Democratic is really the battle of wits and courage between brainpowers behind the two camps.───其实共和党与MinZhuDang阵营的较量,实质就是其幕后智囊团的斗智斗勇。
5、The game was a long battle of wits.───这场游戏是长时间的斗智。
6、It's a battle of wits and courage.───这是一项智慧与勇气的较量。
7、A battle-of-wits between the two 'salespeople' develops, from which genuine attraction begins to emerge.───两名‘销售人员’随即展开了斗智斗勇,彼此之间也开始了真正的互相吸引。
8、He has worked with the beast battle of wits, have courage and fight savage cannibalism, and a savage probation for a good man. . .───他曾与野兽斗智,也曾与吃人肉的野人斗勇,并将一个野人感化为一个善良的男人。
9、It was a real battle of wits.───真是一场激辨啊。