1、When you have a craving for a cigarette, suck on a lollipop or chew some gum.───当你烟瘾发作时,用棒棒糖或口香糖代替吸烟。
2、It's good for you to suck in fresh shore air.───吸进清新的海滨空气对你有好处。
3、There will be times when you need to suck it up and do things that that you don't want to, but when it comes to setting goals for your financial future, success starts with really wanting it.───会有好些次你不想去那样做但是得接受的时候,但是当你设立将来的财政计划时,你只有考虑真正想要什么,你才会成功。
suck for you(意思翻译)
suck for you(相似词语短语)
1、suck disk───吸盘
2、you are suck───你真烂
4、you suck too───你也很烂
5、you suck───你烂透了(非正式)
6、leeches suck───水蛭ShunXi
7、suck me───吸我的
8、boys suck───男孩很烂
9、suck eggs───令人讨厌; 动不动就发火; [委婉语]见鬼去;很蹩脚;气量小
suck for you(双语使用场景)
1、When you have a craving for a cigarette, suck on a lollipop or chew some gum.───当你烟瘾发作时,用棒棒糖或口香糖代替吸烟。
2、It's good for you to suck in fresh shore air.───吸进清新的海滨空气对你有好处。
3、There will be times when you need to suck it up and do things that that you don't want to, but when it comes to setting goals for your financial future, success starts with really wanting it.───会有好些次你不想去那样做但是得接受的时候,但是当你设立将来的财政计划时,你只有考虑真正想要什么,你才会成功。