1、For United, it was a virtuoso performance.───对曼联来说,这是一次如艺术家般的表现。
2、While primarily known today as a composer, he was also a celebrated virtuoso pianist and conductor, and an accomplished violinist.───虽然主要是被称为作曲家今天,他也是一位著名的钢琴演奏家和指挥家,小提琴家,是一个成绩。
3、The game was a triumph; the team gave a virtuoso performance.───比赛大获全胜;该队表演精彩。
4、This piece does not do much Virtuoso type of processing, simple melody lines are the flow of pleasure.───这首作品并未做太多炫技式的处理,简洁的旋律线有流动的KuaiGan。
5、It should be borne in mind that a virtuoso manager, just like a conjuror, must be capable of diverting the audience's attention.───必须牢牢记住一位大师级的教练,必须具备像一个魔术师的能力去转移观众的注意力。
6、My guide Manuel took it up, and with a virtuoso's flourish, played a lovely native melody on it.───我的向导马奴埃拿起它,用着流畅的技巧,弹出一首当地的好听歌曲。
7、Also, Project Virtuoso is the code name used to describe the incubations we are doing around the WebSphere cloud platform.───此外,ProjectVirtuoso是用于描述我们围绕WebSphere云平台做的酝酿的代码名称。
8、virtuoso must first be an excellent technician who has made the basic practices habitual.───艺术品鉴赏家必须首先成为一名出色的技术师,具备基本的实践习惯。
9、The pianist launched into a cadenza, a virtuoso cascade of notes that signaled the end of the movement.───罗森宝恩忽然冲入一个装饰曲,一连串高超的音符发出乐章结束的信号。
1、Famous mainly for his wonderful voice, Cole was also a virtuoso on the piano.
1、virtuoso definition───大师定义
2、cadence virtuoso───节奏大师
3、virtuoso cafe───大师咖啡馆
4、virtuoso travel───艺术旅行
5、virtuoso informally───非正式的
1、For United, it was a virtuoso performance.───对曼联来说,这是一次如艺术家般的表现。
2、While primarily known today as a composer, he was also a celebrated virtuoso pianist and conductor, and an accomplished violinist.───虽然主要是被称为作曲家今天,他也是一位著名的钢琴演奏家和指挥家,小提琴家,是一个成绩。
3、The game was a triumph; the team gave a virtuoso performance.───比赛大获全胜;该队表演精彩。
4、This piece does not do much Virtuoso type of processing, simple melody lines are the flow of pleasure.───这首作品并未做太多炫技式的处理,简洁的旋律线有流动的KuaiGan。
5、It should be borne in mind that a virtuoso manager, just like a conjuror, must be capable of diverting the audience's attention.───必须牢牢记住一位大师级的教练,必须具备像一个魔术师的能力去转移观众的注意力。
6、My guide Manuel took it up, and with a virtuoso's flourish, played a lovely native melody on it.───我的向导马奴埃拿起它,用着流畅的技巧,弹出一首当地的好听歌曲。
7、Also, Project Virtuoso is the code name used to describe the incubations we are doing around the WebSphere cloud platform.───此外,ProjectVirtuoso是用于描述我们围绕WebSphere云平台做的酝酿的代码名称。
8、virtuoso must first be an excellent technician who has made the basic practices habitual.───艺术品鉴赏家必须首先成为一名出色的技术师,具备基本的实践习惯。
9、The pianist launched into a cadenza, a virtuoso cascade of notes that signaled the end of the movement.───罗森宝恩忽然冲入一个装饰曲,一连串高超的音符发出乐章结束的信号。
1、Famous mainly for his wonderful voice, Cole was also a virtuoso on the piano.