1、Required resources are provisioned and the resolved topology is transformed into a final topology.───配置所需的资源,并将定义的拓扑转化为最终拓扑。
2、IBM Workload Deployer takes the resolved topology document, provisions any required resources, and writes the final topology document.───IBMWorkloadDeployer将接受已定义拓扑文件,提供任何所需的资源,并编写最终拓扑文件。
3、This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.───由于设备的固件没有给出所需的资源,这个设备已停用。
4、Cloud computing supports green computing with its ability to only use required resources.───云计算使客户能够只使用需要的资源,从而支持绿色计算。
5、In this article, we discussed how to set up the required resources for JMS queue integration.───在本文中,我们讨论了如何设置JMS队列集成的必要资源。
6、Containing the version of the satellite assemblies with the required resources.───它包含具有所需资源的附属程序集的版本。
7、It may be a temptation to "create" the required resources by ethical and legal means or otherwise.───这也许是一种诱因,让人们透过道德与合法的手段或其他方式,「创造」所需资源。
required resources(英语使用场景)
1、Such executive(s), on the one hand would help evangelize SOA and on the other hand will have the power to make the required resources available.
2、Perform a cost-benefit analysis: identify intangible and tangible benefits and costs before putting in the required resources.
required resources(意思翻译)
required resources(相似词语短语)
2、resources conservation───资源保护
4、required course───n.必修课程
5、required field───必填项;必填字段
6、required for───要求……(required是require的过去式和过去分词)
7、liquefiable resources───可液化资源
8、action required───需要采取的行动
9、fusilier resources───引信资源
required resources(双语使用场景)
1、Required resources are provisioned and the resolved topology is transformed into a final topology.───配置所需的资源,并将定义的拓扑转化为最终拓扑。
2、IBM Workload Deployer takes the resolved topology document, provisions any required resources, and writes the final topology document.───IBMWorkloadDeployer将接受已定义拓扑文件,提供任何所需的资源,并编写最终拓扑文件。
3、This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.───由于设备的固件没有给出所需的资源,这个设备已停用。
4、Cloud computing supports green computing with its ability to only use required resources.───云计算使客户能够只使用需要的资源,从而支持绿色计算。
5、In this article, we discussed how to set up the required resources for JMS queue integration.───在本文中,我们讨论了如何设置JMS队列集成的必要资源。
6、Containing the version of the satellite assemblies with the required resources.───它包含具有所需资源的附属程序集的版本。
7、It may be a temptation to "create" the required resources by ethical and legal means or otherwise.───这也许是一种诱因,让人们透过道德与合法的手段或其他方式,「创造」所需资源。
required resources(英语使用场景)
1、Such executive(s), on the one hand would help evangelize SOA and on the other hand will have the power to make the required resources available.
2、Perform a cost-benefit analysis: identify intangible and tangible benefits and costs before putting in the required resources.