5、live wires───n.带电的电线( live wire的名词复数 ); 生龙活虎的人,精力充沛而有生气的人;生龙活虎的人;通电的电线
6、electrical wires───n.电线
8、electric wires───n.电线
9、trip wires───地雷拉发线;绊网;行线
thin wires(双语使用场景)
1、The conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires.───碘中所含的传导电子能够沿着链运动,就好象这些链是长的细导线一样。
2、One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold wood, and thin wires were for sale in the third.───一家店卖金属片,一家店卖木头,第三家店买细金属丝。
3、conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires.───碘中所含的传导电子能够沿著链运动,就好象这些链是长的细导线一样。
4、The laser-cladding techique for welding of thin wires and large workpieces is reported.───本文报导了激光熔敷法焊接异型件的新技术。
5、Thin wires easily melt if they are made of copper.───如果用铜制细导线极易熔化。
6、Benny said, 'Well, it comes into our flat through thin wires, and these are connected to thick wires that buried under the street. '───本尼说:“恩,它会通过细细的线传进我们的公寓,而这些细线是由埋在地下的粗线连接的。”
7、Therefore, the detector consists of a 16-by-16 array of ultra-thin silicon diodes, connected by thin wires.───因此,这个传感组件由一组超薄硅二极管组成一个16x16的阵列,通过极细的导线连接。
8、These objects, however, were different. lined up against the wall, there were long thin wires attached to metal spheres.───然而,这些展览品不同。一根根细长的金属线靠墙排列着,上面系有金属球。
9、Therefore, the detector consists of a 16-by-16 array of ultra-thin silicon diodes, connected by thin wires.───因此,这个传感组件由一组超薄硅二极管组成一个16X16的阵列,通过极细的导线连接。
thin wires(英语使用场景)
1、The conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires.
2、Nine segments for stable production of thick and thin wires.
thin wires(意思翻译)
thin wires(相似词语短语)
1、untwist wires───解开电线
2、iron wires───铁丝;低碳钢丝
3、telegraph wires───[通信]电报线
4、thin───n.细小部分;n. (Thin)(越)辰;(柬)廷(人名);adv.稀疏地;微弱地;vi.变薄;变瘦;变淡;adj.薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的;vt.使瘦;使淡;使稀疏
5、live wires───n.带电的电线( live wire的名词复数 ); 生龙活虎的人,精力充沛而有生气的人;生龙活虎的人;通电的电线
6、electrical wires───n.电线
8、electric wires───n.电线
9、trip wires───地雷拉发线;绊网;行线
thin wires(双语使用场景)
1、The conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires.───碘中所含的传导电子能够沿着链运动,就好象这些链是长的细导线一样。
2、One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold wood, and thin wires were for sale in the third.───一家店卖金属片,一家店卖木头,第三家店买细金属丝。
3、conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires.───碘中所含的传导电子能够沿著链运动,就好象这些链是长的细导线一样。
4、The laser-cladding techique for welding of thin wires and large workpieces is reported.───本文报导了激光熔敷法焊接异型件的新技术。
5、Thin wires easily melt if they are made of copper.───如果用铜制细导线极易熔化。
6、Benny said, 'Well, it comes into our flat through thin wires, and these are connected to thick wires that buried under the street. '───本尼说:“恩,它会通过细细的线传进我们的公寓,而这些细线是由埋在地下的粗线连接的。”
7、Therefore, the detector consists of a 16-by-16 array of ultra-thin silicon diodes, connected by thin wires.───因此,这个传感组件由一组超薄硅二极管组成一个16x16的阵列,通过极细的导线连接。
8、These objects, however, were different. lined up against the wall, there were long thin wires attached to metal spheres.───然而,这些展览品不同。一根根细长的金属线靠墙排列着,上面系有金属球。
9、Therefore, the detector consists of a 16-by-16 array of ultra-thin silicon diodes, connected by thin wires.───因此,这个传感组件由一组超薄硅二极管组成一个16X16的阵列,通过极细的导线连接。
thin wires(英语使用场景)
1、The conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires.
2、Nine segments for stable production of thick and thin wires.