1、People's bank of China announces the exchange rate of Renminbi against major currencies on the basis of the prevailing exchange rates in the inter-bank foreign exchange market.───中国人民银行根据银行间外汇市场形成的价格,公布人民币对主要外币的汇率。
2、Q: Over the weekend, the People's Bank of China announced its recent policy on RMB exchange rate.───问:上周末中国人民银行公布了中方在人民币汇率问题上的最新立场。
3、Part six mainly study the closed cause, situation of the Exchange Bank of China, and the various effort of restoring operation.───第六部分主要考察了该行停业整理的原因、停业整理概况及停业整理之后复业的种种努力。
exchange bank of china(意思翻译)
exchange bank of china(相似词语短语)
1、exchange bank───[金融]外汇银行,[金融]汇兑银行;n.汇兑银行
2、bank of───银行
3、china construction bank───中国建设银行公司总部所在地:中国主要业务:银行
5、in exchange of───换取
6、bank of china───n.中国银行
7、exchange of───……的交换
8、bill of exchange───[金融]汇票;n.汇票
9、agricultural bank of china───[财]中国农业银行
exchange bank of china(双语使用场景)
1、People's bank of China announces the exchange rate of Renminbi against major currencies on the basis of the prevailing exchange rates in the inter-bank foreign exchange market.───中国人民银行根据银行间外汇市场形成的价格,公布人民币对主要外币的汇率。
2、Q: Over the weekend, the People's Bank of China announced its recent policy on RMB exchange rate.───问:上周末中国人民银行公布了中方在人民币汇率问题上的最新立场。
3、Part six mainly study the closed cause, situation of the Exchange Bank of China, and the various effort of restoring operation.───第六部分主要考察了该行停业整理的原因、停业整理概况及停业整理之后复业的种种努力。