1、As an important part of performance management, performance feedback can improve employees' following performance.───作为绩效管理的重要环节,绩效反馈对员工的绩效改进有着重要的影响。
2、Laboratory management system serves as a significant party in reaching highly productive management performance.───实验室管理XiTong是高效管理的重要组成部分。
3、Management and assessment of solid waste management performance of each department within the company.───对公司各部门固废工作进行管理和考核。
4、the Northern Shaanxi enterprises of the energy resources and chemical industry; human resources management; performance appraisal; salary.───陕北能源化工企业;人力资源管理;绩效;薪酬。
5、Basic end strength and crash energy management performance in longitudinal encounters.───纵向冲撞时,基本的止挡强度和冲撞能量的管理表现。
6、But they should console themselves that they have flexibility under Basel 2 to reward or punish risk-management performance, as do the rating agencies.───但这下让监管机构感到宽心的是在巴塞尔协议II下,如同评级机构那样,他们具有了奖赏或者惩罚风险管理表现的灵活度。
7、Performance data recording process management, performance evaluation of a very important role.───绩效过程管理的数据记录,对绩效评估有非常重要的作用。
8、Ownership structure is one of the factors which influence the management performance of enterprises.───股权结构是影响企业经营绩效的制度性因素之一。
9、Business and excellent personnel market guidance and training management, performance appraisal, psychological construction, etc.───业务和导购人员的市场指引、培训管理、绩效考核、心理建设等。
management performance(意思翻译)
management performance(相似词语短语)
1、live performance───现场表演,实况演出;ZhenRenBiaoYan
2、fahler performance───法勒表演
3、appraising performance───业绩评价
4、performance requirement───性能需求;性能规格;[计] 性能需求,性能规格
7、extreme performance───卓越的性能
8、performance management───绩效管理;性能管理
9、fantastic performance───精彩的表演
management performance(双语使用场景)
1、As an important part of performance management, performance feedback can improve employees' following performance.───作为绩效管理的重要环节,绩效反馈对员工的绩效改进有着重要的影响。
2、Laboratory management system serves as a significant party in reaching highly productive management performance.───实验室管理XiTong是高效管理的重要组成部分。
3、Management and assessment of solid waste management performance of each department within the company.───对公司各部门固废工作进行管理和考核。
4、the Northern Shaanxi enterprises of the energy resources and chemical industry; human resources management; performance appraisal; salary.───陕北能源化工企业;人力资源管理;绩效;薪酬。
5、Basic end strength and crash energy management performance in longitudinal encounters.───纵向冲撞时,基本的止挡强度和冲撞能量的管理表现。
6、But they should console themselves that they have flexibility under Basel 2 to reward or punish risk-management performance, as do the rating agencies.───但这下让监管机构感到宽心的是在巴塞尔协议II下,如同评级机构那样,他们具有了奖赏或者惩罚风险管理表现的灵活度。
7、Performance data recording process management, performance evaluation of a very important role.───绩效过程管理的数据记录,对绩效评估有非常重要的作用。
8、Ownership structure is one of the factors which influence the management performance of enterprises.───股权结构是影响企业经营绩效的制度性因素之一。
9、Business and excellent personnel market guidance and training management, performance appraisal, psychological construction, etc.───业务和导购人员的市场指引、培训管理、绩效考核、心理建设等。