1、Although it is big, small family moved to the suburbs, but nothing happens, two people also like together blind play, nonsense.───虽然现在都大了,小强家也搬到了城郊,但有事没事,两个人还喜欢凑在一起瞎玩,胡闹。
2、The teacher is sitting in a nearby diner, explaining to another patron how it is that blind kids can play soccer.───老师去了旁边一个小餐馆小坐,和另一个顾客解释盲童怎样踢足球。
3、Yoo Ye-eun, a blind 5-year-old pianist from South Korea, has never had a formal piano lesson but can play any song after just one listen, including classics from Mozart and Chopin.───韩国5岁天才女盲童刘艺恩从未受过专业钢琴训练,却能演绎莫扎特、肖邦等大师的名作,而且听过一遍乐曲即可弹奏。
4、Thaler, from University of Western Ontario, said: This suggests that visual brain areas play an important role for echolocation in blind people.───大略大学的罗泰勒医生说,“结果表明,盲人的视觉脑组织部分对定位功能也有很大贡献。”
blind play(意思翻译)
blind play(相似词语短语)
1、blind drunk───<俚>烂醉如泥; 大醉如泥
3、blind flange───盲板;堵塞法兰;盖板; 闷头法兰
4、willfully blind───故意盲目地
5、was blind───是瞎子
6、blind hole───闷眼,盲孔; 漏井;[地质][油气]盲孔;闷眼;不通孔
7、monstax blind───蒙斯税盲
8、blind alley───死胡同;没有前途的职业;n.死胡同
9、blind spot───(视网膜上的)盲点;(驾驶车辆等视力以外的)盲区;偏见;无知;n.盲点
blind play(双语使用场景)
1、Although it is big, small family moved to the suburbs, but nothing happens, two people also like together blind play, nonsense.───虽然现在都大了,小强家也搬到了城郊,但有事没事,两个人还喜欢凑在一起瞎玩,胡闹。
2、The teacher is sitting in a nearby diner, explaining to another patron how it is that blind kids can play soccer.───老师去了旁边一个小餐馆小坐,和另一个顾客解释盲童怎样踢足球。
3、Yoo Ye-eun, a blind 5-year-old pianist from South Korea, has never had a formal piano lesson but can play any song after just one listen, including classics from Mozart and Chopin.───韩国5岁天才女盲童刘艺恩从未受过专业钢琴训练,却能演绎莫扎特、肖邦等大师的名作,而且听过一遍乐曲即可弹奏。
4、Thaler, from University of Western Ontario, said: This suggests that visual brain areas play an important role for echolocation in blind people.───大略大学的罗泰勒医生说,“结果表明,盲人的视觉脑组织部分对定位功能也有很大贡献。”