1、Therefore, it is believed that soybean cultivars of different podding habits should be used to suit different ecological conditions.───认为,不同环境条件要求不同的结荚习性大豆品种与之相适应。
2、He is podding peas.───他正在剥豌豆。
3、Comparison on Reproductive Growth of Different Podding Habit Soybeans───不同结荚习性大豆ShengZhi生长的比较研究
4、The Design and Realization of One-Time Podding-Based Polyalphabetic Substitution───一次一密的多表代换密码体系的设计与实现
5、The constant low temperature at blooming hinded podding and seed filling of soybean seriously.───花期持续低温对大豆荚和籽粒的形成有较大的影响。
6、Research on the Relationship Between Soybean Podding Habit and Yield Potential───大豆结荚习性和产量潜力关系的探讨
7、When the planting mode is different, the ratio of podding on the main stem would increase along with the increasing row spacing.───种植方式不同时,主茎结荚所占比例随着行距的增大而加大。
8、At podding stage complement water properly, it's advantage to plump seed of Alfalfa.───在结荚期适当的补充水分,有利于苜蓿籽粒饱满。
9、The results indicated that the content of Zn in the same organs gradually increased from branching to podding.───结果表明,同一器官锌的含量由分枝期到鼓粒期逐渐增加。
1、Thus the medium water deficit in seedling - branching stage and slight water deficit in podding -maturity stage can effectively improve the yield and WUE_(seed).
2、Hereditary potency of agronomic characters and nutritional characteristics were analyzed according to 15 vegetable soybean varieties at the podding stage.
3、The proper complement of water at podding stage was benefit for plumping seeds of alfalfa.
1、amphipod animal───两足动物
2、antipodean bukit bintang───星山反间谍
3、yarns at yinhoo podcast───银虎播客的纱线
4、antipodal tide───反足潮
5、brachiopod blood───腕足动物血
6、bog chairpod───泥炭椅
7、generation why podcast───一代为什么播客
8、solstice pod───至日舱
9、isopoda diet───等足类饲料
10、newt gingrich podcast───纽特金里奇播客
1、Therefore, it is believed that soybean cultivars of different podding habits should be used to suit different ecological conditions.───认为,不同环境条件要求不同的结荚习性大豆品种与之相适应。
2、He is podding peas.───他正在剥豌豆。
3、Comparison on Reproductive Growth of Different Podding Habit Soybeans───不同结荚习性大豆ShengZhi生长的比较研究
4、The Design and Realization of One-Time Podding-Based Polyalphabetic Substitution───一次一密的多表代换密码体系的设计与实现
5、The constant low temperature at blooming hinded podding and seed filling of soybean seriously.───花期持续低温对大豆荚和籽粒的形成有较大的影响。
6、Research on the Relationship Between Soybean Podding Habit and Yield Potential───大豆结荚习性和产量潜力关系的探讨
7、When the planting mode is different, the ratio of podding on the main stem would increase along with the increasing row spacing.───种植方式不同时,主茎结荚所占比例随着行距的增大而加大。
8、At podding stage complement water properly, it's advantage to plump seed of Alfalfa.───在结荚期适当的补充水分,有利于苜蓿籽粒饱满。
9、The results indicated that the content of Zn in the same organs gradually increased from branching to podding.───结果表明,同一器官锌的含量由分枝期到鼓粒期逐渐增加。
1、Thus the medium water deficit in seedling - branching stage and slight water deficit in podding -maturity stage can effectively improve the yield and WUE_(seed).
2、Hereditary potency of agronomic characters and nutritional characteristics were analyzed according to 15 vegetable soybean varieties at the podding stage.
3、The proper complement of water at podding stage was benefit for plumping seeds of alfalfa.