1、Perhaps it is one of those moments of truth when a person suddenly stands outside all relationships; he is in public, but alone with himself.───也许这是那些当一个人突然摆脱全部关系,发觉“真相大白”的时刻中的一个;他在人群中,却全然独自一人。
2、human nature to easily forget happy moments of our life, while terrible times easily become entrenched in our minds.───人的天性,容易忘记生活中幸福时刻;糟糕的日子却在脑海中留下深深的烙印。
3、It is a fiercer joy, perhaps at moments more intense, but it is less profoundly satisfying, since the result is one in which little satisfaction is to be found.───这是一种更为狂暴的快乐,也许有时更为强烈,但却不能给人以那种更深的满足,因为从它的结果中几乎找不到什么满足。
it is moments(意思翻译)
it is moments(相似词语短语)
1、benedictus moments───本尼迪克特时刻
2、crucial moments───关键时刻
3、critical moments───关键时刻;临界力矩,临界时限
4、aha moments───n.顿悟时刻
5、on moments───时刻
6、is it is───是吗
8、life moments───生命的瞬间
9、check moments───检查力矩
it is moments(双语使用场景)
1、Perhaps it is one of those moments of truth when a person suddenly stands outside all relationships; he is in public, but alone with himself.───也许这是那些当一个人突然摆脱全部关系,发觉“真相大白”的时刻中的一个;他在人群中,却全然独自一人。
2、human nature to easily forget happy moments of our life, while terrible times easily become entrenched in our minds.───人的天性,容易忘记生活中幸福时刻;糟糕的日子却在脑海中留下深深的烙印。
3、It is a fiercer joy, perhaps at moments more intense, but it is less profoundly satisfying, since the result is one in which little satisfaction is to be found.───这是一种更为狂暴的快乐,也许有时更为强烈,但却不能给人以那种更深的满足,因为从它的结果中几乎找不到什么满足。