1、I admire him a lot. The Chinese badminton team has won lots of gold metals under his lead.───我一直很崇拜他。在他的带领下,中国羽毛球队拿了很多金牌。
2、Meanwhile, former coach of the Chinese badminton team Li Mao will lead the South Korean team.───同时,前中国羽毛球队的教练李茂将领导韩国队。
3、A number of Chinese coaches will lead foreign teams on home soil, such as women's volleyball legend Lang Ping, who will lead the US women's team.───很多中国教练将带领外国队伍在祖国土地上比赛,比如女子排球传奇人物郎平将带领美国女子排球队。
chinese lead team(意思翻译)
chinese lead team(相似词语短语)
2、commanding lead───遥遥领先
3、chinese team───中国队
4、lead crystal───铅晶质玻璃;铅水晶
6、lead to───导致;通向
8、hv lead───高压引线
9、lead frame───引线框,(双列直插式)焊接框架,铅框架;引线框;引脚框架
chinese lead team(双语使用场景)
1、I admire him a lot. The Chinese badminton team has won lots of gold metals under his lead.───我一直很崇拜他。在他的带领下,中国羽毛球队拿了很多金牌。
2、Meanwhile, former coach of the Chinese badminton team Li Mao will lead the South Korean team.───同时,前中国羽毛球队的教练李茂将领导韩国队。
3、A number of Chinese coaches will lead foreign teams on home soil, such as women's volleyball legend Lang Ping, who will lead the US women's team.───很多中国教练将带领外国队伍在祖国土地上比赛,比如女子排球传奇人物郎平将带领美国女子排球队。