1、True civilization, he insisted, was about moral self-knowledge and spiritual strength rather than bodily well-being, material comforts, or great art and architecture.───他坚持说,真正的文明是道德上的自我认识和精神力量,而不是外在的衣着鲜亮、物质满足或者伟大的艺术和建筑。
2、Not all the comforts of home are to be found in our living quarters, but a great deal more are present than exist on deck.───里不像家里那样应有尽有,但总比在甲板上要好许多。
3、There's also a ton of culture, great food, warm weather, a great coffee scene and all of the comforts of a big city while having a laid back, easygoing vibe.───而且这里文化底蕴深厚,食物美味,气候温暖,处处可见咖啡馆,既拥有大城市的一切便利舒适,又拥有闲散轻松的生活氛围。
great comforts(意思翻译)
great comforts(相似词语短语)
1、great attention───高度的重视;极大的关注
2、great staff───棒极了
3、great great───好极了好极了
4、creature comforts───(衣、食、住等)物质享受;n.衣食(尤指食物)
6、not great───不太好
7、great deal───n.大量
9、great friend───知己
great comforts(双语使用场景)
1、True civilization, he insisted, was about moral self-knowledge and spiritual strength rather than bodily well-being, material comforts, or great art and architecture.───他坚持说,真正的文明是道德上的自我认识和精神力量,而不是外在的衣着鲜亮、物质满足或者伟大的艺术和建筑。
2、Not all the comforts of home are to be found in our living quarters, but a great deal more are present than exist on deck.───里不像家里那样应有尽有,但总比在甲板上要好许多。
3、There's also a ton of culture, great food, warm weather, a great coffee scene and all of the comforts of a big city while having a laid back, easygoing vibe.───而且这里文化底蕴深厚,食物美味,气候温暖,处处可见咖啡馆,既拥有大城市的一切便利舒适,又拥有闲散轻松的生活氛围。