1、Direct Controls and Indirect Controls───直接控制和间接控制
2、So I would advocate supplementing market-based disincentives with direct controls on coal burning.───因此,我认为,应当对煤炭燃烧采取直接控制措施,进而弥补市场机制的抑制因素。
3、form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix.───明年将采取何种方式来收紧政策还不得而知,但几乎可以肯定的是,更直接地对银行放贷行为进行控制将是措施之一。
4、In such circumstances, direct controls on credit may have been a more effective way to curb overinvestment.───因此,直接控制信贷或许能够更有效地遏制过量投资。
5、Nevertheless, some governments' policymakers insist that direct controls on wages and prices, without tight monetary and fiscal policies, can succeed in decreasing inflation.───然而,一些政府的决策者坚持认为,在不采取紧缩的货币和财政政策的情况下,直接控制工资和价格能够成功地降低通胀。
6、What form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix.───明年将采取何种方式来收紧政策还不得而知,但几乎可以肯定的是,更直接地对银行放贷行为进行控制将是措施之一。
7、second, and freely allocated permits and direct controls last.───第二,自由分配和许可证和直接的控件上一次。
direct controls(意思翻译)
direct controls(相似词语短语)
1、motion controls───[自]运动控制,拖动控制;动作控制,移动控制
3、fontal controls───额叶控制
4、direct selling───ZhiXiao,直接销售,直接ChuShou;直接销售(等于directmarketing)
6、direct flights───直飞航班,直达班机
7、bloomy controls───bloomy控件
8、redefine controls───重新定义控件
9、mitigating controls───减轻控制
direct controls(双语使用场景)
1、Direct Controls and Indirect Controls───直接控制和间接控制
2、So I would advocate supplementing market-based disincentives with direct controls on coal burning.───因此,我认为,应当对煤炭燃烧采取直接控制措施,进而弥补市场机制的抑制因素。
3、form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix.───明年将采取何种方式来收紧政策还不得而知,但几乎可以肯定的是,更直接地对银行放贷行为进行控制将是措施之一。
4、In such circumstances, direct controls on credit may have been a more effective way to curb overinvestment.───因此,直接控制信贷或许能够更有效地遏制过量投资。
5、Nevertheless, some governments' policymakers insist that direct controls on wages and prices, without tight monetary and fiscal policies, can succeed in decreasing inflation.───然而,一些政府的决策者坚持认为,在不采取紧缩的货币和财政政策的情况下,直接控制工资和价格能够成功地降低通胀。
6、What form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix.───明年将采取何种方式来收紧政策还不得而知,但几乎可以肯定的是,更直接地对银行放贷行为进行控制将是措施之一。
7、second, and freely allocated permits and direct controls last.───第二,自由分配和许可证和直接的控件上一次。