1、In Iran, it is said, you can always dredge up plenty of evidence to support any theory you care to believe in.───据说在YiLang,如果要相信某种理论,你总是可以找到大量支持该理论的证据。
2、I myself have some friendly disagreements with Frank about many of these topics, but I always learn something important from him in our exchanges, and I believe you will, too.───我与弗兰克在其中一些观点上存在这温和的不一致意见,但我从我们的交流中获得了非常重要的启示,相信读者也会的。
3、I always believe in you, but I don't believe you this time.───我一向信得过你,可这回你说的话我不信。
4、If you believe in your message then other people will trust you. This isn't always easy, so I've devised three questions that I ask myself before I talk or write anything to anyone.───如果你足够真诚,别人也会信任你,但这不总是那么容易,所以我设计了三个问题,在我对任何人口头或书面交流前我都会用这三个问题问自己。
always believe in you(意思翻译)
always believe in you(相似词语短语)
1、socialists believe in───社会主义者相信
2、believe you───相信你
3、i believe you───我相信你(歌曲名)
4、you are always───你总是
5、always you───总是你
6、always in───总是在
7、believe in───信仰;信任;信赖; 信仰
8、you believe───你相信吗
9、always believe───永远相信
always believe in you(双语使用场景)
1、In Iran, it is said, you can always dredge up plenty of evidence to support any theory you care to believe in.───据说在YiLang,如果要相信某种理论,你总是可以找到大量支持该理论的证据。
2、I myself have some friendly disagreements with Frank about many of these topics, but I always learn something important from him in our exchanges, and I believe you will, too.───我与弗兰克在其中一些观点上存在这温和的不一致意见,但我从我们的交流中获得了非常重要的启示,相信读者也会的。
3、I always believe in you, but I don't believe you this time.───我一向信得过你,可这回你说的话我不信。
4、If you believe in your message then other people will trust you. This isn't always easy, so I've devised three questions that I ask myself before I talk or write anything to anyone.───如果你足够真诚,别人也会信任你,但这不总是那么容易,所以我设计了三个问题,在我对任何人口头或书面交流前我都会用这三个问题问自己。