9、role models───n.行为榜样,角色模特( role model的名词复数 );楷模;榜样(rolemodel的复数)
models on(双语使用场景)
1、Additionally, do not implement complex permission models on your public folder hierarchies.───此外,请勿在公用文件夹层次结构上实现复杂权限模型。
2、Retraining antispam models on a science cluster every few hours.───每隔几个小时在科研集群上训练反垃圾邮件模型。
3、She also models on a website, where admirers and the curious can pay to watch videos of her eating greasy foods or walking to the car.───唐娜还在一个网站上发布自己的视频,人们可以付费观看她进食和行走的模样。
4、He uses thousands of the small plastic toy building blocks to create customized models on a commission basis.───他用成千上万的小塑料玩具积木制作模型,进行定制模型式代销。
5、And second, there are tons of new models on the way.───第二,大量新款正在研发中。
6、BACKGROUND: So far, there isn't any set of evaluation system and animal models on medical devices or biomaterials' immunotoxicity.───背景:目前,关于医疗器械或生物材料免疫毒性的评价体系及相应的评价方法、有效的动物模型研究较少。
7、Maybe your first hint was the Latina models on magazine covers.───也许你的第一个线索是杂志封面的拉丁模特。
8、When young people no longer identify with long-established local values, they seek new models on which to build their identity.───当年轻人不再执着于长期树立的本土价值,他们会寻求新的模式,据此建立他们的身份。
9、Up to date, many loading models on osteoblastic cell culture have been developed to generate either uniaxial or biaxial stretches.───迄今为止,已经设计出多种机械装置,能够产生单轴或双轴牵张力。
models on(英语使用场景)
1、There are 4 models on the catwalk now.
2、Based on inductance models, the universal analytical models on synchronously revolving magnetic suspension force were derived.
3、Several models on genetic algorithm based on real number encoding are established.
4、The models on this runway, then, may head south from the Gap, at Forty-second Street, or north from Macy's.
5、Many models on behavioral finance can be understood from the entropy theory of information.
6、In this thesis, static and dynamic coordination models on operation of Urban Rail and Bus System have been proposed from the perspective of operation schedule and real-time dispatching.
7、Compared to some of the other models on this list, Sharethrough is relatively unobjectionable, because it doesn't pay users directly or manipulate play counts, the way some bands did on MySpace.
8、Youth has few models on which to base career aspirations in the social servIces.
9、Classical models on photosynthetic light response only involve with light energy absorption, and biochemistry models do with the assimilatory power to form as well as carbon assimilation.
models on(意思翻译)
models on(相似词语短语)
1、making models───建立模型(making是make的现在分词);制作模型(making是make的现在分词)
2、bonaparte models───波拿巴模型
3、admiralty models───海军模型
4、catwalk models───T型台模型
5、make models───制作模型
6、tropics models───热带模式
8、blender models───搅拌机型号
9、role models───n.行为榜样,角色模特( role model的名词复数 );楷模;榜样(rolemodel的复数)
models on(双语使用场景)
1、Additionally, do not implement complex permission models on your public folder hierarchies.───此外,请勿在公用文件夹层次结构上实现复杂权限模型。
2、Retraining antispam models on a science cluster every few hours.───每隔几个小时在科研集群上训练反垃圾邮件模型。
3、She also models on a website, where admirers and the curious can pay to watch videos of her eating greasy foods or walking to the car.───唐娜还在一个网站上发布自己的视频,人们可以付费观看她进食和行走的模样。
4、He uses thousands of the small plastic toy building blocks to create customized models on a commission basis.───他用成千上万的小塑料玩具积木制作模型,进行定制模型式代销。
5、And second, there are tons of new models on the way.───第二,大量新款正在研发中。
6、BACKGROUND: So far, there isn't any set of evaluation system and animal models on medical devices or biomaterials' immunotoxicity.───背景:目前,关于医疗器械或生物材料免疫毒性的评价体系及相应的评价方法、有效的动物模型研究较少。
7、Maybe your first hint was the Latina models on magazine covers.───也许你的第一个线索是杂志封面的拉丁模特。
8、When young people no longer identify with long-established local values, they seek new models on which to build their identity.───当年轻人不再执着于长期树立的本土价值,他们会寻求新的模式,据此建立他们的身份。
9、Up to date, many loading models on osteoblastic cell culture have been developed to generate either uniaxial or biaxial stretches.───迄今为止,已经设计出多种机械装置,能够产生单轴或双轴牵张力。
models on(英语使用场景)
1、There are 4 models on the catwalk now.
2、Based on inductance models, the universal analytical models on synchronously revolving magnetic suspension force were derived.
3、Several models on genetic algorithm based on real number encoding are established.
4、The models on this runway, then, may head south from the Gap, at Forty-second Street, or north from Macy's.
5、Many models on behavioral finance can be understood from the entropy theory of information.
6、In this thesis, static and dynamic coordination models on operation of Urban Rail and Bus System have been proposed from the perspective of operation schedule and real-time dispatching.
7、Compared to some of the other models on this list, Sharethrough is relatively unobjectionable, because it doesn't pay users directly or manipulate play counts, the way some bands did on MySpace.
8、Youth has few models on which to base career aspirations in the social servIces.
9、Classical models on photosynthetic light response only involve with light energy absorption, and biochemistry models do with the assimilatory power to form as well as carbon assimilation.