1、The "Trivers-Willard hypothesis" argues strong healthy women tend to have sons in order to ensure her genes and family line are passed on.───根据“Trivers-Willard假说”,健康强壮的女性更趋向于生男孩,这样就能够保证他们的基因和家族能够代代相传。
2、The generalized hypothesis would therefore predict that physically attractive parents should have more daughters than sons.───所以广义的“Trivers-Willard假设”可以预测那些帅哥靓妹们更容易生出女儿。
3、theory has been tested with success in several species of wild animal.───理论在几种野生动物上已经测试成功。
4、In particular, Trivers argues for several characteristics as functional processes subserving reciprocal altruism.───特别值得一提的是,特里弗斯指出,几种特性是促进互惠利他的功能性进程。
5、According to Robert Trivers of Rutgers University in New Jersey, pure altruism is a mistake.───根据新泽西州拉特·格斯大学的罗伯特·特里弗斯,纯粹的利他主义是个错误。
6、But that is what two evolutionary biologists, Robert Trivers and Dan Willard, hypothesised nearly four decades ago.───而这却是罗伯特•特里弗斯和丹。维尔拉这2位进化论生物学家四十年前就提出的假设。
7、The Trivers-Willard theory has been tested with success in several species of wild animal.───特拉威斯-韦尔拉理论在野生动物身上所作的几例实验中得到了证实。
8、This age effect, too, could be ascribed to the Trivers-Willard hypothesis if, say, sperm quality falls with age.───同时,年龄效应也可以看做是属于特拉威斯-韦尔拉假设(的一部分),比如说随着年龄的增长,JingZi的质量在下降。
1、Trivers is a legend in biology, as he is the first ingenuously to confirm.
1、tristram shandy───项狄传(书名)
2、bordered hessian matrix───有界黑森矩阵
3、trip switch───[电]跳闸开关,跳脱开关;转辙器,拨叉
4、corded electric chainsaw───绳索电锯
5、cicatrization cornea───角膜瘢痕化
6、nostril cycle───鼻孔周期
7、centrosome vs centriole───中心体与中心粒
8、astrit hado───哈多提取物
9、aerometric anchorage───气压锚具
10、astringent herbs───收敛的草药
1、The "Trivers-Willard hypothesis" argues strong healthy women tend to have sons in order to ensure her genes and family line are passed on.───根据“Trivers-Willard假说”,健康强壮的女性更趋向于生男孩,这样就能够保证他们的基因和家族能够代代相传。
2、The generalized hypothesis would therefore predict that physically attractive parents should have more daughters than sons.───所以广义的“Trivers-Willard假设”可以预测那些帅哥靓妹们更容易生出女儿。
3、theory has been tested with success in several species of wild animal.───理论在几种野生动物上已经测试成功。
4、In particular, Trivers argues for several characteristics as functional processes subserving reciprocal altruism.───特别值得一提的是,特里弗斯指出,几种特性是促进互惠利他的功能性进程。
5、According to Robert Trivers of Rutgers University in New Jersey, pure altruism is a mistake.───根据新泽西州拉特·格斯大学的罗伯特·特里弗斯,纯粹的利他主义是个错误。
6、But that is what two evolutionary biologists, Robert Trivers and Dan Willard, hypothesised nearly four decades ago.───而这却是罗伯特•特里弗斯和丹。维尔拉这2位进化论生物学家四十年前就提出的假设。
7、The Trivers-Willard theory has been tested with success in several species of wild animal.───特拉威斯-韦尔拉理论在野生动物身上所作的几例实验中得到了证实。
8、This age effect, too, could be ascribed to the Trivers-Willard hypothesis if, say, sperm quality falls with age.───同时,年龄效应也可以看做是属于特拉威斯-韦尔拉假设(的一部分),比如说随着年龄的增长,JingZi的质量在下降。
1、Trivers is a legend in biology, as he is the first ingenuously to confirm.