1、You can either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office.───你可以在我的课上给我或者把它带到我的办公室。
2、You may drop it off at any of our branch store. When you return it, you have to fill the tank of gas.───您可以把它停放在我们的任何一个分店。还车的时候,你需要把油箱加满汽油。
3、This thought leads to another and another: If it didn't get sent, maybe I can drop it off in the morning?───这个想FaHui慢慢拓展开来,比如,如果没有,我可以早上的时候给他送过去?
4、How much will that be if I drop it off in Detroit?───如果我在底特律还车要多少钱?
5、If all are unavailable , we would drop it off at the reception of the office or at the management office of the building.───如敝店无法与阁下联络,敝店会将鲜花置于办公室接待处或大厦管理处。
6、If you don't need that piece of information, just drop it off the result set prior to bind.───如果您不需要这段信息,只需在绑定之前将它从结果集删除。
7、You left your jacket, but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow.───你忘了拿你的短上衣,不过我可以在明天上班的路上顺便捎给你。
8、Removing Spirographs To remove a drawing from the drawing area, drag and drop it off the drawing surface.───若要从绘图区中移除绘图,请将它拖离绘图图面。
9、Can I drop it off in Melbourne?───我能扒车放在墨尔本吗?
drop it off(英语使用场景)
1、You left your jacket, but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow.
drop it off(意思翻译)
drop it off(相似词语短语)
1、drop it───<口>放弃,作罢; 算了;停止,放弃
2、laugh it off───一笑而过,一笑置之
3、drop off a gift───送礼物
4、drop sb off───让某人下车
5、it off───关了
7、drop off point───下车地点
8、ballot drop off locations───选票投放地点
9、drop off───减少;让……下车;睡着;减少; 落下; 送下车; 不知不觉入睡
drop it off(双语使用场景)
1、You can either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office.───你可以在我的课上给我或者把它带到我的办公室。
2、You may drop it off at any of our branch store. When you return it, you have to fill the tank of gas.───您可以把它停放在我们的任何一个分店。还车的时候,你需要把油箱加满汽油。
3、This thought leads to another and another: If it didn't get sent, maybe I can drop it off in the morning?───这个想FaHui慢慢拓展开来,比如,如果没有,我可以早上的时候给他送过去?
4、How much will that be if I drop it off in Detroit?───如果我在底特律还车要多少钱?
5、If all are unavailable , we would drop it off at the reception of the office or at the management office of the building.───如敝店无法与阁下联络,敝店会将鲜花置于办公室接待处或大厦管理处。
6、If you don't need that piece of information, just drop it off the result set prior to bind.───如果您不需要这段信息,只需在绑定之前将它从结果集删除。
7、You left your jacket, but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow.───你忘了拿你的短上衣,不过我可以在明天上班的路上顺便捎给你。
8、Removing Spirographs To remove a drawing from the drawing area, drag and drop it off the drawing surface.───若要从绘图区中移除绘图,请将它拖离绘图图面。
9、Can I drop it off in Melbourne?───我能扒车放在墨尔本吗?
drop it off(英语使用场景)
1、You left your jacket, but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow.