1、However, communications being what they were in the days when news traveled by foot, many people did not receive the news for several years.───然而,通讯正在他们在新闻的日子,徒步旅行,很多人没有收到的消息有好几年了。
2、He traveled by train across central Europe.───他乘火车穿越欧洲中部旅行。
3、he traveled by train. And so to pass the time, he would play solitaire.───他坐火车旅行,为了打发时间,他会玩纸牌。
4、On the train, because small, no traveled by train, also very rare people outside of your home, feel quite fresh.───在火车上,因为小,没坐过火车,也很少见过家里以外的人,觉得挺新鲜。
5、The title is often mistakenly given as "The Road Less Traveled" , from the penultimate line: "I took the one less traveled by" .───书名是经常错误地给出了“道路”,从人迹罕至的倒数第二一句:“我选择了人迹较少的”。
6、Leading by commander Tang, tens of us also traveled by one bus and a few cars to Tian Tai for a whole day visit.───在唐司令的带领下,我们一大车若干小车数十人,也乘兴去到天台游历了一整天。
7、We traveled by train, not by bus.───我们是坐火车旅行的,不是坐公共汽车。
8、When he traveled by sea, he could usually be found in a place on board where the wild wind was blowing through his hair .───他在海上旅行时,可以常常看到他站在甲板上,狂风吹动他的头发。
9、President-elect Lincoln traveled by train from his home in Illinois to Washington, D. C. Along the way, he stopped to make speeches.───当选总统林肯离开他的家乡伊利诺斯州,乘坐火车前往华盛顿。一路上,他不停地停下来,发表演讲。
traveled by(英语使用场景)
1、The president traveled by rail to his home town.
2、Previous to that, we had traveled by car to Paris.
3、The distance traveled by a machine screw in a single revolution.
4、President-elect Lincoln traveled by train from his home in Illinois to Washington, D.C. Along the way, he stopped to make speeches.
5、Tourists, maybe two dozen in all, have traveled by mule down the cliff from topside Molokai, and are now lunching quietly in a grassy field.
6、He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration.
7、The number of the people who traveled by air soared to millions.
8、The marshals hired some 650 assistants who traveled by foot and horseback from Maine to Georgia.
9、The total mileage traveled by American motorists in one year is about one million million miles.
traveled by(意思翻译)
traveled by(相似词语短语)
1、traveled through───经过
3、traveled down───沿着......往下行进
5、traveled for───旅游目的地
6、traveled across───游览......;穿越......;周游......
7、traveled from───从…启程去旅行
8、by struck by───被击中
9、by by by───一个接一个
traveled by(双语使用场景)
1、However, communications being what they were in the days when news traveled by foot, many people did not receive the news for several years.───然而,通讯正在他们在新闻的日子,徒步旅行,很多人没有收到的消息有好几年了。
2、He traveled by train across central Europe.───他乘火车穿越欧洲中部旅行。
3、he traveled by train. And so to pass the time, he would play solitaire.───他坐火车旅行,为了打发时间,他会玩纸牌。
4、On the train, because small, no traveled by train, also very rare people outside of your home, feel quite fresh.───在火车上,因为小,没坐过火车,也很少见过家里以外的人,觉得挺新鲜。
5、The title is often mistakenly given as "The Road Less Traveled" , from the penultimate line: "I took the one less traveled by" .───书名是经常错误地给出了“道路”,从人迹罕至的倒数第二一句:“我选择了人迹较少的”。
6、Leading by commander Tang, tens of us also traveled by one bus and a few cars to Tian Tai for a whole day visit.───在唐司令的带领下,我们一大车若干小车数十人,也乘兴去到天台游历了一整天。
7、We traveled by train, not by bus.───我们是坐火车旅行的,不是坐公共汽车。
8、When he traveled by sea, he could usually be found in a place on board where the wild wind was blowing through his hair .───他在海上旅行时,可以常常看到他站在甲板上,狂风吹动他的头发。
9、President-elect Lincoln traveled by train from his home in Illinois to Washington, D. C. Along the way, he stopped to make speeches.───当选总统林肯离开他的家乡伊利诺斯州,乘坐火车前往华盛顿。一路上,他不停地停下来,发表演讲。
traveled by(英语使用场景)
1、The president traveled by rail to his home town.
2、Previous to that, we had traveled by car to Paris.
3、The distance traveled by a machine screw in a single revolution.
4、President-elect Lincoln traveled by train from his home in Illinois to Washington, D.C. Along the way, he stopped to make speeches.
5、Tourists, maybe two dozen in all, have traveled by mule down the cliff from topside Molokai, and are now lunching quietly in a grassy field.
6、He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration.
7、The number of the people who traveled by air soared to millions.
8、The marshals hired some 650 assistants who traveled by foot and horseback from Maine to Georgia.
9、The total mileage traveled by American motorists in one year is about one million million miles.