1、He tried to soak out the alcohol in a hot bath.───他试图用热水浴把酒精泡掉。
2、Fifthly, drink little beer and have no cigarette. Alcohol leads to poor sleep, and the stimulative effect of smoking is just like that of having a cold bath.───第五,少喝酒,别抽烟。酒精能使睡眠不好。抽烟的刺激作用就像用冷水洗澡一样。
3、Method: 60 children with high fever were decrease temperature by Chinese material bathe and alcohol sponge bath respectively, and careful nursing was given.───方法:对60例高热患儿分别采用中药洗浴降温和酒精擦浴降温,并对此进行精心护理。
alcohol bath(意思翻译)
alcohol bath(相似词语短语)
2、whirlpool bath───漩涡浴
3、drugging alcohol───MaZui酒精
4、gnaws alcohol───啃酒
5、take bath───洗澡
6、alcohol poisoning───醇类中毒
7、alcohol abuse───酒精滥用,酗酒
9、spirituous alcohol───烈酒
alcohol bath(双语使用场景)
1、He tried to soak out the alcohol in a hot bath.───他试图用热水浴把酒精泡掉。
2、Fifthly, drink little beer and have no cigarette. Alcohol leads to poor sleep, and the stimulative effect of smoking is just like that of having a cold bath.───第五,少喝酒,别抽烟。酒精能使睡眠不好。抽烟的刺激作用就像用冷水洗澡一样。
3、Method: 60 children with high fever were decrease temperature by Chinese material bathe and alcohol sponge bath respectively, and careful nursing was given.───方法:对60例高热患儿分别采用中药洗浴降温和酒精擦浴降温,并对此进行精心护理。