1、Although there is no life but a rockery, rockery, water bring is the beauty of nature, Qianceng stone rockery nature, with natural waterscape and virescence, feeling too wonderful for words.───虽然假山没有生命,但是假山、水景带来的却是大自然的美妙,自然的千层石假山,配上自然的水景、绿化,感觉妙不可言。
2、Secondly, this dissertation analyzed the influences of natural and humanism factors that affect the waterscape design of urban residential area, which laid the groundwork of later research.───其次,从自然因素和人文因素两方面,分析了其对水景设计的影响,作为后文铺垫;
natural waterscape(意思翻译)
natural waterscape(相似词语短语)
1、natural causes───自然因素
2、cicatrizante natural───自然愈合
3、natural nine───自然九
5、natural amber───天然琥珀
6、natural person───[法]自然人(区别于法人)
7、natural mellow───自然醇厚
8、natural process───自然过程;天然过程;天然过程,自然过程
9、natural endowment───先天禀赋;天然条件;天然条件; 禀赋
natural waterscape(双语使用场景)
1、Although there is no life but a rockery, rockery, water bring is the beauty of nature, Qianceng stone rockery nature, with natural waterscape and virescence, feeling too wonderful for words.───虽然假山没有生命,但是假山、水景带来的却是大自然的美妙,自然的千层石假山,配上自然的水景、绿化,感觉妙不可言。
2、Secondly, this dissertation analyzed the influences of natural and humanism factors that affect the waterscape design of urban residential area, which laid the groundwork of later research.───其次,从自然因素和人文因素两方面,分析了其对水景设计的影响,作为后文铺垫;