1、Among these details the reader will encounter two or three improbable circumstances, which we preserve out of respect for the truth.───在那些细微的情节里,读者将遇见两三处似乎不可能真有其事的经过,但是我们为了尊重事实,仍旧保存下来。
2、They seem to be less realistic than folktales, like they have something improbable happening—a frog turning into a prince, say.───它们似乎没有民间故事那么真实,包含一些不太可能发生的事,比如一只青蛙变成了王子。
3、There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of literary truth.───这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。
4、It seems improbable that the current situation will continue.───当前的局势似乎不大可能继续下去。
5、It all sounded highly improbable.───一切听上去很荒唐。
6、Oregon State now was beginning to roll. They swept through the Super Regionals the next week to punch their improbable return trip to Omaha.───俄勒冈州队开始波动了。他们下一个周横扫了超级地区联队,从此开始了他们重返奥马哈的征途。
7、He had not lived to see the remarkable fruit of his own improbable journey westward.───他没能活着看到他自己的那一次难以置信的西行旅程所结出的非凡果实。
8、But who can rule out the notion that the most improbable alternative might be the only one possible?───但说不定最离奇的选择反而却是唯一的答案呢;谁也不能排除这种可能性。
9、Knowing Io Welland as he had, he deemed it very improbable that she had even so much as mentioned him to any of her friends.───就他了解的韦兰*爱娥,他认为她不大可能,向她的任何一个朋友提到他。
1、Among these details the reader will encounter two or three improbable circumstances, which we preserve out of respect for the truth.───在那些细微的情节里,读者将遇见两三处似乎不可能真有其事的经过,但是我们为了尊重事实,仍旧保存下来。
2、They seem to be less realistic than folktales, like they have something improbable happening—a frog turning into a prince, say.───它们似乎没有民间故事那么真实,包含一些不太可能发生的事,比如一只青蛙变成了王子。
3、There is nothing intrinsically improbable about this incident, which is stamped indeed, with all the marks of literary truth.───这些事情本身没有任何不可能的因素,它印记着文学真实性的一切特征。
4、It seems improbable that the current situation will continue.───当前的局势似乎不大可能继续下去。
5、It all sounded highly improbable.───一切听上去很荒唐。
6、Oregon State now was beginning to roll. They swept through the Super Regionals the next week to punch their improbable return trip to Omaha.───俄勒冈州队开始波动了。他们下一个周横扫了超级地区联队,从此开始了他们重返奥马哈的征途。
7、He had not lived to see the remarkable fruit of his own improbable journey westward.───他没能活着看到他自己的那一次难以置信的西行旅程所结出的非凡果实。
8、But who can rule out the notion that the most improbable alternative might be the only one possible?───但说不定最离奇的选择反而却是唯一的答案呢;谁也不能排除这种可能性。
9、Knowing Io Welland as he had, he deemed it very improbable that she had even so much as mentioned him to any of her friends.───就他了解的韦兰*爱娥,他认为她不大可能,向她的任何一个朋友提到他。